Viral Korean cheerleader Lee Joo Eun's contract with KIA comes to an end !

Viral Korean cheerleader Lee Joo Eun's contract with KIA comes to an end !

 Article: Lee Joo Eun will no longer 'piki piki dance' for KIA

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+166] As a KIA fan, I'm so happy that cheerleader Lee Joo Eun made the dance so famous! I'll be so sad to see her leave for Taiwan if she chooses to, but I will admit that Korean companies don't pay their cheerleaders very well so it makes sense to go where she's respected!!

[+67] Since she's cheered for us all this time, it's time for us to cheer back! πŸ‘πŸ‘

[+47] As she should

[+6] The Korean cheerleading association needs to wake up and start figuring out ways to hold on to talent like her!

[+16] Just because our cheerleaders go to Taiwan because they pay better, I've never once thought we were 'losing' our talent to them. They're pros, why wouldn't they want to work in a market that treats them better? Koreans unfortunately have a bias about cheerleaders that is difficult to break γ…œ

[+7] I've enjoyed her cheering γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ the dance is so good to piss off competition 

[+7] It'll be a loss to our country if she transfers to a foreign team..

[+30] All the KIA cheerleaders leave for Taiwan once they get famous γ…‹γ…‹

[+10] Well, if you're not being paid what you're worth, why would you say? This cheerleader has done so much for the team's image, they should be paying her more to keep her around;

[+8] Nooo, she can't leave, she's so gorgeous

[+1] Three of KIA's cheerleaders have left for Taiwan... 

[+15] I suppose that's why her facial expressions always looked like she didn't want to be there~

[+5] Go to Taiwan and make that money~~~~~ πŸ™Œ

[+1] Hmm, I wonder if a celebrity debut is in the cards γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹


Agreed Nebuzz


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