Seulgi apologizes in response to accusations of manager abuse !

Seulgi apologizes in response to accusations of manager abuse !

Article: High heel -> manager, Red Velvet's Seulgi swaps shoes with manager "abuse of power" vs "it's not" debate

Source: OSEN via Nate

[+175, -6] Managers have to put up with so much.. I'm sure obviously they talked about it and came to an agreement, but it's honestly hard to see this in a positive light.. Why don't they just make sure to have extra sneakers on hand? I bet she'll post a clarification statement next saying the manager offered her sneakers first or that they're close enough to swap shoes like that..

[+83, -7] Why not just wear something comfortable to begin with.. what is so important about airport fashion that you have to force yourself to wear something that hurts you?

[+57, -4] Red Velvet gets into a scandal with every comeback

[+40, -0] Kim Moo Sung's political career ended with his infamous luggage pass, how you treat your staff determines everything

[+22, -1] It's not like her manager could say no, especially because she's more powerful than her

[+6, -2] What else would she be learning from the queen of abusing power Irene

[+4, -1] Stars need to start paying up if they're going to abuse their staff like this

[+4, -0] And you know with this getting in the media, it's only going to make things more awkward and tense for the managers too, sigh...

[+3, -1] Come on, you idols need to keep your own slides in your bags or something ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Red Velvet's Seulgi apologizes for manager controversy, "I made a misjudgment because my feet were hurting"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

[+110, -95] That's not even abuse of power

[+105, -21] I understand, but please keep an extra pair of sneakers for yourself next time. I'm sure your manager's feet were hurting too.

[+77, -8] It was Seulgi not being mindful enough. I always see celebrities change into different shoes on the plane. She should've brought her own.

[+69, -40] This is such a non-issue, why did it blow up this big? People are so quick to hate on celebrities.

[+59, -30] The manager obviously made the swap to protect the artist she's managing, but of course the communities had to get into an uproar over it and turn her into some victim off of some screencaps without even knowing what actually went on between them.

[+15, -7] Well, Seulgi has to get up on stage and all so probably the manager was like "let's swap for now." Just make sure to keep an extra pair of slides in your bag next time~

[+11, -9] This wasn't even a problem unti Pann blew it up with hate. I got downvoted for commenting that I'm sure Seulgi had her reasons. Pann's a problem.

[+9, -8] I mean, do you guys not offer to switch shoes with your friends when they're hurting?


Source: Izitmag via Instagram

[+1,194] It can't be an abuse of power if the manager offered it first... people are are so sensitive lately and quick to judge without waiting for to hear what happened... ㅠㅠ

[+844] So exhausting to be a celebrity...

[+569] Am I the only one that doesn't get why this needed an apology...?

[+516] I mean, do people really not think that obviously something was agreed upon between them before jumping to judgments?

[+13] Poor manager

[+44] Such a non-issue...

[+91] It could've been a sweet story but of course everyone turned it into an abusive situation..

[+42] I thought everyone knew that Seulgi had great character... but now even swapping shoes is a judgment of character, I guess

[+290] How is this abuse?

[+311] I feel bad for the manager. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, antis will think what they want ㅠㅠ

[+37] I think people are just projecting onto this situation. Let's please uphold our politicians to these standards.

[+9] I don't see this as abuse... if I were her manager, I'd offer to swap shoes too

[+74] Do people really not know how kind of a person Seulgi has always been ㅠㅜ

[+20] I mean, unless the staff came forward and claimed she was being abused ㅋㅋ why are people making that claim for her? ㅋㅋ The staff knew Seulgi was struggling with her heels and agreed to swap shoes. Seulgi has never had a scandal in the 10 years she's been in the industry, please don't make things hard for her by making up a scandal for her.


Agreed Nebuzz


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