70% of Korean adults are Android users !

70% of Korean adults are Android users !

Article: 70% of Korean adults use Galaxy... teens and twenties 'love iPhones'

Source: Chosun Biz via Naver

[+931, -12] Whatever you find most comfortable... I only use Galaxy and change phones every 4-5 years. I don't really feel greedy about any of it. iPhone users obviously feel comfortable with their iPhones and feel joy in changing their phones every year, and it's not like any of that hurts anyone, right?

[+436, -11] Whether you use iPhones or Galaxies, it's all about what works for you. I honestly don't get this divide ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it shouldn't matter at all what someone uses, only that the product itself is providing value for what it costs

[+245, -70] Galaxy is easier if you live in Korea

[+97, -17] I've used all sorts of different phones throughout my life because I have an interest in tech and after all of it, I can just say that it really comes down to what you find most comfortable. Both sides have pros and cons.

[+28, -1] Galaxy is definitely more integrated in our country. I hopped back and forth between the two but settled on Galaxy.

[+26, -0] I don't care if someone uses an iPhone, but I feel like it's wrong when people start judging you for not having one. An iPhone is worthy, sure, but that's the worth of a product, not you as a person. Just leave people alone and let them use what they want.

[+13, -3] The iPhone users now will switch to Galaxy when they get older

[+13, -3] Galaxy is the best for our country, especially the recording feature

[+10, -0] Can't live without Samsung Pay or my mobile transportation cards

[+9, -0] Kids all over the world are getting bullied for not having iPhones and Apple is only fanning the fire by making texts sent from Galaxies a different color

[+11, -4] iPhone users kind of remind me of kids who wear North Face paddings. They don't care about the actual product, just that it's trending so they beg their parents for one

[+7, -0] Galaxy users use it because it's comfortable. iPhone users use it so they can brag about it.


Agreed Nebuzz


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