Brian reveals his ex is an actress who is now married !

Brian reveals his ex is an actress who is now married !

Article: Brian "My ex-girlfriend is an actress... she glared at me when I greeted her on a TV set, she's now married"

Source: News 1 via Nate

[+128, -4] He went around telling everyone that his ex had bad breath and humiliated her to everyone around them. I feel bad for all of his exes who had to deal with his mental illnesses.

[+77, -3] He seems like he never thinks through his words.. always talking about others behind their backs on TV..

[+74] Sometimes people smell, it just happens. Depending on their condition, how long they've been working, whether they're sick -- bad breath and sweat is just how the body works. While the rest of us try to be understanding of it, Brian's out here holding everyone up to his own narrow standards and judging them over it. He lacks so much consideration. I truly wonder what would happen if his future partner ended up sick with some disease... would he throw her away because she's "dirty" to him now?

- [+9, -0] That's right... people can smell all sorts of ways and to be talking about it publicly like this says a lot about his character

[+48, -1] I think there have been so many rumors about him being gay that he's saying whatever to try to get away from it

[+11, -0] Is she a foreigner?

[+5, -1] People get smellier as they get older, what's he going to do then? Throw away his partner...?

[+2, -0] Come on, guys. He's just trying to be funny. Let's not kill him over it.

[+1, -1] He's been speaking without a filter lately, he needs to be careful

[+1, -1] Never date someone who talks about you in public like this after you break up

[+1, -1] Please stop talking about your exes... it's not like she's single, she's a married woman now. Obviously the people around you two can figure out who it is quite easily... so stop saying humiliating things about her like this;;; I get that you're in the spotlight now but don't throw away this new opportunity by running your mouth so carelessly;;


Agreed Nebuzz


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