NCT's Doyoung, Mark, and Johnny apologize for singing and dancing to 'Earthquake' during Jeju earthquake emergency alert !
Article: NCT sang 'Earthquake' at disaster text for Jeju earthquake... apologizes "It was careless of us"
Source: Everyday Economy via Naver
1. [+559, -8] What a rude bunch of..
2. [+381, -7] It hasn't even been that long since Mark was on a senior's radio show pointing his finger at him, giggling during the broadcast, having side conversations, ignoring senior greetings... How could they think to sing an 'Earthquake' song without any consideration to the victims of the earthquake? Is SM too blinded by their greed for China money that they're not even bothering to educate their idols on proper character anymore?
3. [+124, -6] Thank goodness there were no casualties in this earthquake but let's please use our brains before we act. Acting like this makes it so obvious how much intelligence you lack, and people will only ever consider you as some entertainment clown.
4. [+96, -3] Please think before you act...
5. [+62, -7] The entire nation can sing 'Earthquake' for them if their family ever died in an earthquake
6. [+49, -0] These idols are always acting up thinking they're so famous when the majority of the public has no idea who they even are ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+20, -0] Judging by how this isn't the first time things like this have happened, there seems to be an issue with their character. This isn't a group that is meant to last a long time.
8. [+20, -2] Such an arrogant and ignorant group ㅋ
9. [+18, -0] Their looks aren't even up to par and yet their brains aren't either?
10. [+9, -0] Mark-ya, what's wrong with you, this isn't even the first time.. wake up...
11. [+11, -2] As an NCT fan, I agree that it was careless. I hope that this doesn't happen again..
12. [+10, -1] That's actually so rude... singing that song while an actual earthquake is happening????? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13. [+9, -0] And this is why celebrities are called clowns... how do you even think to dance after getting an earthquake text? What if someone had suffered an injury from it?...
14. [+7, -0] SM needs to start with character education
15. [+7, -0] It's fortunate that they apologized right away but please do not act like that with future disaster texts... this was really careless!
Source: Naver
1. [+1,047, -5] They're crazy ㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+489, -6] Hmm... so these uneducated kids with the celebrity disease are acting arrogant like this for what? ㅎㅎ It's quite obvious they're going to be nothing but a flash in the pan at this rate.
3. [+365, -0] They should be glad that there were no injuries or casualties. They must be insane... is this a joke? An earthquake??
4. [+159, -4] There's an issue with their character...
5. [+133, -1] Why even post an apology on Insta stories? It deletes after 24 hours..
6. [+63, -1] There's a reason SM has been pouring money into them but they still get no where
7. [+55, -0] I understand the desire to promote your album but there's a time and place for it, tsk tsk. This is pathetic.
8. [+44, -0] Is an earthquake a joke to you? When people can die from it? There was already a scandal not too long ago with their terrible behavior on a radio show... why are they acting like boys going through puberty, tsk tsk.
9. [+38, -1] These guys are really so thoughtless~~!!! I'll consider them a group to pass on in the future. I don't think I can ever forget that they're a group that danced around when Jeju was evacuating because of an earthquake.
10. [+37, -1] And this is why education is important, kids..
Agreed Nebuzz
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