'The Glory' PD Ahn Gil Ho's ex-girlfriend sides with accusations of bullying !

'The Glory' PD Ahn Gil Ho's ex-girlfriend sides with accusations of bullying !

Article: 'The Glory' PD's ex-girlfriend, "I wasn't teased to the point where they deserved to be beaten for it"

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+2,482, -137] This whole case doesn't sound like one of bullying but rather a dispute between two groups of friends.. and I don't get why it's in the news. This doesn't sound anything like what happened in 'The Glory', which was habitual and consistent torture of an innocent student.

2. [+1,415, -47] At this rate, we're going to be headlining stories of every single fight that every happened in school

3. [+1,106, -39] Okay, but you were a middle schooler who made fun of a high schooler's name by implying that he has a small d*ck?? And you're really trying to make us believe that you were just joking around because you're so close?? With a hyung who's way older than you? ㅋ

4. [+901, -22] The use of violence is wrong but this girlfriend is funny. She's the one who told him that they were making fun of her and now she's all buddy buddy with the kids who got beaten up by her ex because she tattled on them?? Sounds like she's a flock of feathers with them.

5. [+350, -53] So I think what's important here is whether this bullying was consistent or not... Violence is wrong but it's not like emotions are always controlled. 

6. [+136, -7] Let's not call this school bullying... sounds like a personal dispute that happened 20 years ago. It wasn't like he beat them constantly and consistently. They got into a fight that ended up on in a one-time violent dispute. I feel like stories like this are actually taking away from the bigger crime that bullying is.

7. [+85, -4] "We all became friends after the incident"... okay, so why expose this now then?

8. [+79, -1] So here's what happened: they were all Korean students attending a Filipino school together overseas. The middle schoolers started verbally harassing the high schoolers by using Ahn Gil Ho's name to suggest s*xually offensive things. Once the high schoolers found out, they called the middle schoolers over and beat them up to get them to stop. And that was that. And now 30 years later, the middle schoolers are coming forward and saying they were just joking around back then but feel that it was unfair that they had to get beaten for it and are claiming school bullying for the whole thing. According to their claims, the high schoolers beat two of the middle schoolers for two hours. 

9. [+73, -4] That's a weird ex-girlfriend. She's the one who tattled and cause this whole mess... and now she's like "nevermind"? What an easy way to turn someone into a fool.

10. [+45, -1] Okay but OP and their friends are claiming that they were just joking around because they felt close enough to but that doesn't change the fact that they were verbally harassing him and he didn't have to think it was a joke if he felt offended by it. They started this whole thing first before they became the victims.

11. [+43, -2] No reason for an ex to defend him at this point in life, really ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+37, -1] Anyone using my name to imply that my g*nital is small is not a joke, it's humiliation. Bullies always like to say that "it was just a joke", "we were just trying to have fun" without considering how much pain they're inflicting on the other person.

13. [+41, -11] Sounds like a high schooler dating a middle schooler caused quite the controversy among their friend group... And if the OP's telling the truth, that a bunch of high schoolers beat them up as middle schoolers, it feels unfair that the PD now gets to make money off of such content...?

14. [+39, -11] I'm flabbergasted at the comments here. Since when is violence ever justified? That's exactly the kind of excuse that real criminals use... that "they deserved it"... It doesn't matter if anyone deserved, any use of violence, even just once, should never be allowed or accepted.

15. [+31, -3] If a one-time fight in school counts as school bullying, there would be no one left to be called innocent

16. [+31, -4] But to have beaten people for two hours... that should count as attempted murder, no?

17. [+26, -1] What did a bunch of middle schoolers expect when they were telling a high schooler "you're small, you're small" ㅋㅋ of course you're going to get beat

18. [+22, -1] They're obviously doing this for money, right?? I doubt they would come forward with any of this if he wasn't famous now

19. [+21, -2] So they made fun of him and got beat up for it... This isn't a case where he was stealing money from them or torturing them for years on end... they f*cked around and found out, what more is there to say to this?

20. [+21, -4] These comments... how could all of you be defending someone who used violence? Because his drama is good? There are plenty of instances within friend groups where someone crosses the line or says something they shouldn't have... but for high schoolers to call out middle schoolers and beat them up for two hours? That's unacceptable. Violence is wrong no matter the situation. This definitely sounds like something the PD should apologize for.


Agreed Nebuzz


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