Rage and disgust ensue over 'In the Name of God', documentary ranks #1 on Netflix Korea !

Rage and disgust ensue over 'In the Name of God', documentary ranks #1 on Netflix Korea !

Article: 'In the Name of God'... "I almost threw up while watching", "The devil himself"

Source: Newsis via Nate

1. [+1,814, -90] I remember watching a documentary JMS when I was younger so I'm shocked that people are still falling for this man. Obviously, I know the blame lies with the person doing the scamming but if you continue to fall for his lies even after all this information, don't you hold some responsibility as well?

2. [+1,738, -94] Cults are still alive and everywhere these days... There are others like Chungong and Jun Kwang Hoon, etc...

3. [+1,529, -16] Truly a disgusting, dirty, vomit-inducing scammer~~~

4. [+100, -0] I was so angered while watching, I just couldn't believe that someone like him was still alive and well to this day ㅡㅡ

5. [+96, -2] I remember watching an older documentary about this when I was younger... and I still remember a part about how the parents of a s*xually assaulted member refused to take her to the hospital because they kept believing that he would cure her.. ㅠㅠ The fact that this cult is still around must mean that there is not enough being done to penalize him, no? What else could it be..

6. [+85, -1] Shocking that the cult holds members who are not only professors but doctors and prosecutors as well

7. [+84, -1] Obviously the cult has ties to the government for it to still be running around today

8. [+75, -1] How can you watch this and still believe him to be a messiah? You have to be insane... When would Jesus ever live such a debaucherous life with women all around him? I'll believe him as the messiah if he kills himself and comes back alive, so let's put him on the death penalty.

9. [+67, -5] If you want to believe in anything, just believe in God and Jesus... do not believe a fellow human to be your messiah or whatever...

10. [+53, -3] He's nothing but an elementary school graduate, shortie with a lisp... not one good thing about him, just absolutely disgusting. I can't view any church goer as sane in good conscience. So frustrating to watch all these women suffer his attacks. I just can't understand why you'd stay still thinking that this is what God wanted for you.


Article: "The reality of JMS Jung Myung Suk... too shocking? We've shown only 1/10 of reality"

Source: Korea Economy via Nate

1. [+261, -1] Thank you so much for taking the time to produce a documentary like this. I hope all cults are killed off.

2. [+218, -1] I had to stop watching because I felt so disgusted, but I guess that was what the producer intended. I will need to go back to finish it because I'm still curious as to how normal people can fall for such a cult.

3. [+199, -0] I was so heartbroken and enraged when I saw what happened to the father of the professor. And for him to still kneel in his fight for justice, I am only grateful and glad.

4. [+26, -0] I'm so disgusted. He's nothing but a s*x offender using the mask of a pastor. Nothing but life in prison is the solution.

5. [+24, -3] I was flabbergasted hearing five women offer him their privates like that. I don't understand how people so normal can become s*x slaves like this.

6. [+23, -0] I know that there are people saying it was inappropriate of the documentary to reveal all that they did without consideration of the victims but I think this is a case where the truth can only be told once the true horror of the situation has been uncovered like this. I hope that other cult believers watch this and wake up.

7. [+12, -0] Religion should never be about believing in human beings

8. [+7, -0] A mystery how he's still alive

9. [+6, -0] I was so consumed in anger and tears after finishing this on Netflix. So much frustration. I recommend everyone to watch it and wake up to the reality of cults. I cried so much over the child who died because of their parents ㅠ It's so pathetic that people can be this deep into something so crazy.

10. [+5, -0] I pray for Synnara Records to go bankrupt


Article: Rage ensues over the perverted crimes of Jung Myung Suk... Netflix's 'In the Name of God' ranks #1 in Korea

Source: Elec News via Naver

1. [+140, -1] So many problems like the fact that we still haven't prosecuted him, that there are still people who believe him to be God. Let's please start taxing religions and prosecuting pieces of trash like him properly.

2. [+86, -0] If you read on Namu Wiki, you can find the names of the lawyers under him.. They're a huge law and expensive law firm, and it's no wonder he's been able to go on these crime sprees

3. [+21, -2] A devil wearing the mask of religion

4. [+17, -0] Please put this man behind bars

5. [+15, -0] I was so nauseous while watching, I almost threw up...


Agreed Nebuzz

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