Experts attempt to analyze what triggered the crowd surge in Itaewon !

Experts attempt to analyze what triggered the crowd surge in Itaewon !

Article: 153 out of 154 dead identified... 26 foreigners from 14 countries included

Source: Newsis via Nate

1. [+1,780, -94] Declaring this a disaster and using our taxes to compensate the dead is so wrong. I feel worse for the laborers who died senselessly on the job than this.

2. [+1,612, -273] Maybe I'm the devil.. but I don't feel sorry or mournful at all for this. I feel mournful when I read about the Ukraine war but not Itaewon. There are laborers who die on the job in dangerous conditions, them I feel bad for... and I'm tired of the TV stations broadcasting this all day long, it's giving us all indirect stress...

3. [+969, -30] And I keep hearing that the death toll will rise... this is so tragic...

4. [+128, -4] Why is our country having a mourning period for this? Did they die for our country? How about we worry about the laborers who died in dangerous conditions at their jobs? The country didn't even give any money to those kids at the orphanage who got into a car accident or even paid for their funerals.

5. [+107, -5] What is happening to this country. How are we giving our tax dollars to pay for the deaths of kids who died while trying to party.

6. [+103, -5] I only feel bad for the laborer who died under SPC

7. [+100, -7] Are you serious that we have to give our tax dollars to kids who died trying to party in costumes? Did they die while providing labor or in volunteer service for our country? The government better handle this straight. I would have no problem with disaster pay being given to laborers who died but I refuse to pay any taxes to kids who died copying another country's tradition. 

8. [+87, -2] Not a cent of government money should be paid toward these deaths. They chose to go there because they wanted to party. Let private insurance handle it.

9. [+85, -2] I've seen plenty of crowd surges in the news. Did all of them get government payouts too?? None of these kids were doing anything to save our country. They were there on their own free will to drink and party. Why are our taxes being spent on this???????? ใ…กใ…ก

10. [+80, -0] Feeling bad is one thing but why are we giving our money to them?


Article: Fire authorities, "149 dead, two foreigners included... most of the deaths were teens-twenties"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+519] We need to get rid of this holiday. What is this...

2. [+287] May they rest in peace. We will never be able to understand the life of a flower that had yet to bloom or the feelings of their parents as they suffer this loss... I understand that this is all such a ridiculous situation so let's please not leave any hateful words on news like this.

3. [+269] Please ban all Halloween events in our country

4. [+136] Why was any ghost party worth any of this

5. [+165] All over another country's holiday tradition, how unfortunate ๐Ÿ˜ข

6. [+802] No more Halloween events.. This is so ridiculous. Such young lives lost. All precious children of their own families... Enough is enough.

7. [+103] Ban Halloween parties starting next year

8. [+248] Why are we even copying another country's tradition? Please wake up. I would like to give a round of applause to the police and firemen who worked hard in their response to this tragedy.

9. [+106] So tragic... no one can be blamed for this

10. [+291] Could there ever be a death more senseless..


Article: How did the tragedy of Itaewon's crowd crush begin... someone shouted "shove"

Source: SBS via Nate

1. [+1,952, -22] How are the people who shouted "shove" ever going to live with the guilt of what they did?

2. [+1,685, -22] Why would you even bother shoving when the people in front of you aren't moving? Find the person who told everyone to shove

3. [+1,359, -52] Everyone in that crowd is a murderer

4. [+165, -0] So there were people who shoved... and people telling them to shove. When you watch the videos, the crowd already looked like they were bursting before anyone was even crushed. Ugh, Halloween or whatever, just get rid of all this.

5. [+138, -4] As expected of MZ, super selfish and individualistic

6. [+96, -3] And I bet you that the kids who started shoving as a joke are the ones who survived all this too. Obviously they were the ones in the back and not the ones getting crushed up front. Do they even feel any guilt?

7. [+85, -0] There were a group of 5-6 men who told everyone to "shove~ we're stronger" which then resulted in this accident... There are a ton of accounts from the people who were there about it. I hope that they live the rest of their lives in guilt over this. Actually, I'd prefer we catch them and penalize them accordingly...

8. [+66, -0] Catch them all, the people who told the crowd to shove, the people whow ere dancing and singing in front of the ambulances, punish them all... And if punishment is not possible, then reveal their faces and identities to the public. Society will do its part in exiling them as needed.


Article: Were they shoved? Slipped? Experts analyze the 'trigger' that started the Itaewon catastrophe

Source: JTBC via Nate

1. [+2,340, -41] A group of 5-6 men wearing bunny ear headbands. Every witness account says the same thing. If you watch the video clips, you can see that someone shoves the crowd hard and a bunch of people start falling. They need to be caught and held responsible for this.

2. [+1,701, -21] In the reported videos, you can definitely see a point where someone shoves hard and the crowd breaks. I wish we can find them...

3. [+1,130, -21] With how drunk everyone was, I doubt they were in the right frame of mind... How could you ever survive a crowd that's falling like dominos on top of you in such a narrow alleyway...

4. [+144, -5] You can hear people in the front screaming not to shove because they're dying but there were people giggling in the back, making fun of them, encouraging everyone to keep pushing down. If the people in the back had just understood what was going on and backed off so people could slip out, this wouldn't have happened.

5. [+131, -3] So if we analyze the CCTV in all of this and find the guy who shoved the crowd, will he be a murderer of 153 people?


Article: "Hey! shove!" "there was someone shoving people as a joke" witness accounts of Itaewon's tragedy

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+1,764, -6] Finally this is in the news. This isn't just one ort wo accounts but a consistent story shared by all of the survivors. Whoever instigated people to shove better turn themselves into the police right now.

2. [+483, -5] There's no excuse for the people who were singing in front of the ambulances ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ Sure, I understand not knowing that there were deaths going on, but why would you even think about singing when ambulances are clearly at work?

3. [+274, -3] Analyze the videos and find the person and throw them in jail. 

4. [+107, -2] The fool was probably shoving as a joke without realizing the consequences of his actions. And now he's in hiding.

5. [+95, -3] You can see YouTube clips of them. They were a group of men giggling in such a terrible situation... it gave me goosebumps.


Article: "Why would you go there?" Netizens make fun of the sacrifices of Itaewon tragedy... hate comments and accusations of drugs

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+3,639, -162] I hope that the dead may rest in peace but I think the media does not know how to differentiate between 'sacrifice' and 'deaths'

2. [+3,569, -751] Do not blame the government for this

3. [+3,286, -578] Whatever the case, I have quite clearly seen the standards our MZ generation is setting

4. [+400, -7] Sacrifices? They're deaths...

5. [+360, -12] What sacrifice? Did they sacrifice themselves for our country? ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ They were there to drink and party in costumes and ended up dying, how does that make them a sacrifice? 

6. [+352, -9] Sacrifice? Do you not know the definition of that word?

7. [+323, -16] So we're not allowed to question why they went? Because there are a lot of us normal folks out here who decided not to go.

8. [+315, -6] They're just deaths, aren't they? Because what did they sacrifice their lives for? Why would they be counted as sacrifices?

9. [+216, -4] They were there to party on their own free will. They are not sacrifices. Do not force us to mourn for them. This is so ridiculous.

10. [+193, -4] Sacrifices are people who died giving their lives for our country!! And why is our country entering a mourning period?? Since when was Halloween a holiday for our country?? Please stop using government taxes on stuff like this!! This is not a disaster!! Just a festival that went wrong.


Agreed Nebuzz

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