Noze shares a handwritten apology letter addressing scandal !

Noze shares a handwritten apology letter addressing scandal !

Article: Noze eventually apologizes two days after sobbing over 'power abuse scandal', "I was not mature"

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+1,662, -9] Humble is something you should strive to be before you get into scandals. Whatever you're doing now is only crocodile tears...

2. [+859, -80] She probably caught the princess disease with all the teen girls and girls in their twenties going crazy over her when she's not even that pretty

3. [+656, -5] And yet still no apology to the actual CF company themselves ㅋ not only should she apologize to them but compensate them as well. Also, don't take any more CF deals.

4. [+471, -16] I always thought she was hyped beyond what she deserved. I think she left her crew behind to make all the money she could solo, so much so that it almost feels like she used WAYB on 'Street Woman' Fighter'...? I felt bad for the other team members.

5. [+194, -14] Noze = Nodap (hopeless)

6. [+133, -0] This wasn't just an issue of abusing her power, she straight up scammed them. She got paid to advertise something and failed to do so, which makes her a scammer.

7. [+107, -0] I still don't get why she cried when the people who should've been crying are the marketing team members who were probably caught in the middle and being berated by their boss every time she ignored them. She better pay back that company everything she was paid and never think of doing another ad again.

8. [+106, -1] An apology's a good start but you really need to refund the small companies you ripped off~

9. [+75, -0] Just a matter of her true colors being exposed

10. [+55, -1] I always thought she was pretty and kind but her true nature is that she wants to make money and doesn't want to be associated with lower brands... people obsessed with luxury brands always get themselves into trouble.


Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+849] Compensating the companies she ripped off should take priority over her reflecting over her actions... with marketing ads, timing is everything to the life of the product. There was no point in her uploading the ad at the very end of their promotion cycle... ㅠㅠ

2. [+337] Who is she addressing this apology to? Why is she apologizing to the public?

3. [+401] Hilarious

4. [+636] All she had to do was post her ad on the time frame she promised; all of this became a problem when she was paid to upload something she never did...

5. [+484] There's a clip of her at a 'Street Woman Fighter' going around and she totally doesn't get why she's in trouble

6. [+253] She never would've apologized if this never made it to the news. If you're being paid to do something, do it. How dare you think you can abuse your power over someone?

7. [+274] I don't get who she's apologizing to? The public or the company she abused?

8. [+276] Her roots keep running away from her...

9. [+319] This doesn't sound like an apology. The company should just take legal action.

10. [+582] And this is how scary a flash of sudden fame can be... she must've thought she was idol status now?

11. [+331] Farewell

12. [+163] So sick of these "handwritten apology letters"... what meaning do any of them have other than showing what your handwriting looks like

13. [+190] She's become too full of herself for her own good


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+118] Only apologizing now because she's scared she's going to lose her entire career...?

2. [+74] She doesn't seem sorry at all... just knows that she'll run out of money if she doesn't write this... 😂😂

3. [+84] This is why sudden fame is so problematic... they all catch the star disease and become blind to reality. She should know better than this considering how difficult of an opportunity she was given.

4. [+54] So where's the part about how she's going to compensate the company? Or is this just some multi-apology she's hoping will make everything okay again?

5. [+96] You've been busy enough lately thanks to 'Street Woman Fighter' but it's now time to take a comfortable break~~


Agreed Nebuzz


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