Seungri is officially banned off of Instagram !

Seungri is officially banned off of Instagram !

Article: Seungri's Instagram account with 8 million followers terminated after being charged for 'prostitution, international gambling'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+238] Instagram is so good at doing their jobs! This piece of news makes me forgive them for all of the bugs I experience 👏

2. [+175] Can we terminate his social security number too? 

3. [+46] He doesn't deserve Instagram!!

3. [+18] After all that acting like he's better than everyone else, he's rock bottom now

4. [+22] I wish Kim Sae Ron's Instagram would be terminated alongside sex criminals like Seungri, Jung Jun Young, and Choi Jong Hoon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+25] He's probably saved up enough money to live out the rest of his life anyway~~

6. [+3] He'll probably register using his mom's ID

7. [+10] I'm still disappointed that his prison sentence is less than what I was expecting but I praise Instagram for this decision

8. [+2] He thought so easy of life and lived like a degenerate but now his life is so pathetic that he's even banned off of Instagram ㅋㅋ 👏👏

9. [+9] Thank you for that

10. [+11] Ugh, that's so embarrassing, how do you live after that

11. [+10] Naver should delete his profile from their platform as well. A criminal's name should not be searchable. 

12. [+2] I just want to terminate him as a human being


Agreed Nebuzz

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