Han Seo Hee calls Yang Hyun Suk trash in court !

Han Seo Hee calls Yang Hyun Suk trash in court !

Article: Public interest reporter lashes criticisms at Yang Hyun Suk in court "You are trash, you are laughable"

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

1. [+424, -9] His life was only successful because he met Seo Taiji...

2. [+295, -5] He truly is the biggest piece of trash in the celebrity industry. Just look at his legacy.

3. [+178, -1] Burning Sun must be reinvestigated..

4. [+101, -3] Look at his face ㅋㅋㅋㅋ physiognomy is science

5. [+18, -0] Trash is trash no matter how much money you obtain in this world, he thought he was on top of the world with it all and got owned

6. [+16, -0] It's always the trash that makes the most money 

7. [+9, -1] He was meant to be nothing more than a street dancer but ended up filling his bowl with more than he could hold

8. [+8, -0] With a CEO like this, it's no wonder why Big Bang's Seungri ended up the way he did... I bet you there are drug scandals even with their trainees. If all of that were to ever be revealed, could YG ever recover again??

9. [+6, -0] Kick him out of the industry

10. [+5, -1] Hyun Suk-ah, it's time for jail

11. [+8, -0] Seo Hee herself is trash too so she's throwing stones from a glass house ㅎㅎㅎ


Agreed Nebuzz

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