Upcoming drama 'Happiness' to star Han Hyo Joo in an apocalyptic zombie world !

Upcoming drama 'Happiness' to star Han Hyo Joo in an apocalyptic zombie world !

Article: Han Hyo Joo and Jo Woo Jin's new drama 'Happiness' to be about infectious disease that makes people bite others

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+117] Han Hyo Joo's dongsaeng is quite the biter himself 😂😂

2. [+112] That poor Korea University student spent his whole life studying only to enlist in the army to protect his country and end up dying ㅜㅜ while the victim died so tragically like that, the attacker is now a public servant working at city hall, hmm?

3. [+113] Han Hyo Joo no no

4. [+52] The female lead, though...

5. [+13] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Han Hyo Joo

6. [+32] She should be worrying about biting her own brother

7. [+28] What does Han Hyo Joo even have anything to do with her dongsaeng that you all are associating her with his crime? 

8. [+10] So it's basically a zombie drama

9. [+2] This sounds good

10. [+4] I knew there'd be comments like "not watching" ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹


Agreed Nebuzz

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