Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+1,614, -169] This was seriously taken to the national assembly? And the manager had to quit and get mental counseling because of this? "I'm not actually sure" you think that's enough?
[+1,528, -191] This will probably end like Fifty Fifty
[+1,288, -144] The girls need to get off this boat fast....
[+228, -17] They bowed 90 degrees to her twice, what more did she want? Did she want ILLIT and their manager on the floor on all fours with their forehead to the ground??????
[+223, -14] Poor ILLIT caught in the crossfire when they greeted her properly
[+219, -10] Wow... they took this to the national assembly?????
[+215, -14] I think the girls are being heavily gaslit...
[+179, -8] That's really scary... just how ballsy are they that they stood before the national assembly and lied?
[+155, -5] Even if that manager actually really did say "ignore her," since when does that manager's statement represent the entirety of Hybe or Ador?
[+150, -7] Min Hee Jin's scary...
[+147, -14] Just say you're sorry and go back to Ador, that's all that's left for you...
Article: CCTV clearly shows ILLIT bowing 90 degrees to Hani who claims she was ignored
Source: Sports Donga via Nate
[+401, -105] They just seem so greedy now. I'm sure they have their own grievances but if they think contracts are something you can terminate on one side and do whatever you want with, they never should've signed it to begin with. A contract is not a joke. You think you can just make money off a company's back and do whatever you want? Do you think Hybe got this far without putting in their own hard work? It's clear these kids are being manipulated by adults trying to game the system ㅡㅡ
[+305, -67] Investors will not invest in you if you behave this way. Why would anyone put in millions just for you to run off with it?
[+56, -9] New Jeans must be under the belief that just debuting makes you a star. It's all the money and investments behind that debut that makes you a star. They really think that their success is purely due to themselves and Min CEO.
[+48, -9] For how young they are, they're quite malicious... lying at the national assembly like that... scary
[+43, -3] New Jeans Fifty
[+42, -2] I read all the Katalks and it didn't sound like she was ignored. Even if the manager did ignore her, that can't be enough grounds to terminate your contract like that.
[+38, -1] I'm expecting a Newfty ending
[+32, -3] They're the worst
[+28, -4] New Jeans' image is done for... Min Hee Jin! What're you going to do now!
Source: Star News via Nate
[+1,460, -285] Anyone who's worked out in the real world will know how ridiculous they're being. You can't go to the national assembly over being ignored, and you can't just terminate a contract because you believe a company has made back their money ㅋ then do you think all the other idols out there are fools for upholding their end of the contracts after their companies made back their money? What do you think the point of investments are? Hybe being known as BTS's company is enough of a buff alone for your debut to guarantee success, how can you think you could've been successful without that kind of name value and investment? Stop manipulating your young fans into fighting for you. A contract is a contract.
[+1,305, -249] Min Hee Jin is ruining them
[+1,178, -268] Why is Bang Shi Hyuk getting hate in any of this? I'd be pissed as hell if my investment was acting like this. Sue all the haters.
[+135, -96] What's Ador's statement for their plans on leaving New Jeans on the backburner then???
[+124, -6] Nevermind the kids, why are their parents acting like this too... have they never worked in the real world? tsk
[+112, -6] Man, I'd love to be bullied at work if I was being paid 5 billion won. I'd actually beg to be bullied ㅋㅋㅋ
Source: Newsen via Nate
[+914, -170] If Hybe truly discriminated against you, you never would've even gotten the kind of marketing and opportunities that you did. Do you think you'd be the group you are today without them? And it makes sense for any company to support the next rookie group after you.
[+906, -163] Throwing tantrums does not work in the real world
[+834, -160] Their view of the world is quite naive
[+103, -7] Their argument would've held more weight if they hadn't been promoting, but instead they've already changed their name and are out in promos
[+94, -7] Sigh, society is not so kind...
[+89, -7] Throwing tantrums will not get you everything you want in the real world
[+83, -6] Manipulation at its finest
[+80, -7] They went from seeming like such cute young kids to such malicious...
[+71, -4] If what New Jeans suffered was "discrimination," can you imagine what all the smaller agency idol groups are feeling right now ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ so many of them spend years working hard to never see a penny of it back
Source: SpoTV News via Nate
[+1,507, -392] Just pay your termination fee and leave. Obviously Hybe is pissed that you're not even paying that and you're out here promoting under a different name. A first payout of 5 billion won each is pretty good already.
[+1,346, -352] Sorry, but this whole thing feels like one huge tantrum... the court is a place for legal arguments
[+1,134, -278] This is getting so messy, sigh tsk tsk
[+161, -17] Either way, doesn't change the fact that you guys breached your contract ㅋㅋ
[+160, -5] At the time of the Jeju crash, your relationship with your company was already on the outs... I'm pretty sure you were way past ever listening to their orders anyway, no??
[+133, -2] I thought you guys are claiming you have no contract with Hybe ㅋㅋㅋ so since when do you listen to Hybe's orders so diligently and not wear a ribbon just because they told you not to?
[+126, -2] Pay your termination fee and get a new start... You can put out these statements in the news all you want but you won't win against a big agency like this. Time is not on your side.
[+108, -2] Their arguments are on the emotional side when all that matters in court is what money was exchanged per contract
Article: New Jeans' Danielle holds onto tissue after wiping tears
Source: Newsen via Nate
[+452, -78] Do you think the law is something to scoff at? Is a contract a joke?
[+425, -64] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kids, this is real life. This is not the stage you've put performances on.
[+387, -66] Too much noise with this group
[+71, -9] I really liked them, I can't believe their image ended up like this. I wonder if they really are a victim? Seems like they just want to get out of their contract without having to pay any fee
[+62, -3] I don't even blame the kids, I just wonder why their parents are so blind tsk tsk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+59, -12] Curious who's going to break first and go to Bang Shi Hyuk to say sorry ㅋㅋㅋ
Agreed Nebuzz
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