Source: OSEN via Nate
[+249, -8] I enjoyed it, and I hope that all the smart students in med school right now feel this kind of duty to their work. Though yeah, my heart breaks that they have to suffer through so much because of understaffing.
[+133, -5] Finished it all in two days. A realistic look into the medical world. It's ridiculous but enjoyable.
[+65, -2] I savored every episode, please hurry and give us a season two ㅠㅠ
[+51, -4] Give us more ㅠㅠ I finished it all and lost my spark in life
[+14, -3] I liked that the plot moved fast without any hangups ㅋㅋ so easy to binge all at once ㅋㅋ even watched it twice. Really makes you realize how good Joo Ji Hoon is at acting.
[+9, -2] A thousand times better than all the blockbusters lining the theaters over the holiday right now. I had no idea how fast time was passing by while binging this. Joo Ji Hoon, no words need to be said, but Choo Young Woo's acting took me by surprise. He melted into his character completely.
[+9, -1] The plot's already so good but to have it move so fast made it even better. You could really feel the pain of every episode ending too soon.
[+6, -1] Didn't know how fast time was going by because it was so good~~^^
[+5, -1] So much respect for doctors ㅠㅠ
Agreed Nebuzz
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