Article: Lee Ji Ah, 47 years old, is it really her? 'shocking' new face
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+104, -1] I would never know that was Lee Ji Ah if no one told me
[+62, -0] She did way too much, she doesn't look human
[+61, -0] I guess it's the trend lately to just change your whole face
[+31, -1] Looks like Kim Gun Hee now
[+30, -0] She sure pulled it back tight
[+5, -0] Her nose is scary
[+5, -0] She's pulled her face back so much that there's nothing left to pull ㅋㅋ
[+3, -0] Money can really do anything... her face was longer before but she pulled it back
[+2, -0] She can never give her face a break
[+1, -0] Mm.. I don't understand why someone would do this
[+1, -6] She looks good for 47, though
Agreed Nebuzz
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