ADYA's Sena accused of school bullying by classmates !

ADYA's Sena accused of school bullying by classmates !

Article: Girl group member ADYA's Sena suspected of school bullying

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+304] And who is she..

[+197] Do these idols just forget what they were like in school?..

[+96] Physiognomy is science

[+72] The consequences of school bullying will follow you into adulthood

[+3] Who?

[+6] Society must make sure that school bullies aren't allowed a life as either a celebrity or non

[+3] So sick of idols always getting into school bullying scandals

[+2] Kind of makes her pictures look different, she looks really mean in pictures! 

[+3] I have no idea who she even is 😂

[+30] Seems like a school bullying scandal will instantly exile you from the industry nowadays

[+6] Well, that's it for her career


Agreed Nebuzz

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