Fifty Fifty reveals why they are boycotting 'Inkigayo' !

Fifty Fifty reveals why they are boycotting 'Inkigayo' !

Article: [Exclusive] Fifty Fifty boycotts 'Inkigayo'... "honor and pride is more important than money"

Source: Munhwa Ilbo via Naet

[+475, -6] The article made me choke up. I support the CEO's decision. SBS took no responsibility for rigging a documentary that could've done enough damage to take a life. They have no reason to go on such a show...

[+334, -5] I haven't been watching 'Unanswered Questions' since the Fifty Fifty episode. Furthermore, an apology was never even issued to Fifty Fifty for their lies.

[+172, -4] Pathetic that SBS committed the wrong and they're trying to brush it under the rug now

[+144, -2] You can see how much it's affected the CEO all this time. This is a good decision by him. We'll always support you.

[+131, -2] Perfectly reasonable, I support the decision

[+34, -1] The least SBS can do is issue an apology. Anyone could tell their episode was biased and purposely portrayed to ruin one side of the story.

[+25, -1] So that's why they don't go on 'Inkigayo'

[+25, -1] Wait, SBS still hasn't apologized? ㅋㅋ That's daebak

[+14, -1] Yeah, no one trusts that show anymore after what they did with Fifty Fifty. Way too biased.

[+12, -1] Legendary that SBS still hasn't apologized


Agreed Nebuzz

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