Suga's BAC test reveals he was plastered despite claim of only having one drink !

Suga's BAC test reveals he was plastered despite claim of only having one drink !

Article: BTS Suga, another lie 'exposed'... not one beer but enough to test 'plastered'

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

[+184, -17] Suga-ya, are you seriously about to ruin 11 years of hard work that the group has built up all over your mouth??? Please leave, leave, leave

[+121, -8] As they always say with drunk driving, the first time you get caught was never the first time

[+100, -10] I have a feeling this was habitual for him and he was only unlucky enough to get caught this one time. Wish celebrities would just call cabs. I assure you, taxi ajusshis do not know who you are, Suga

[+71, -14] Farewell... you worked hard on BTS up until now

[+31, -17] I think Hybe will push him in a direction where he promotes less in Korea and more overseas from now on

[+11, -0] He must've been drunken off of the honor and wealth BTS has built that he thought he was above the law

[+9, -0] BTS is really going to be Zero Suga now

[+6, -2] On the other hand, I wonder why he would bother lying at all since we all know the truth would come out anyway..ㅠㅠ I feel like he was so blacked out that he didn't even really know what he was saying and probably thought he had one beer


Source: Nate

[+235, -19] His apology was only a few lines long and yet not one word of it was true. Scary to think that if he was never caught this one time, he would've continued behaving this way.

[+162, -13] I'm so upset, Suga-ya. You did something wrong, and I hope you feel that, and I hope you reflect. The poor members... especially oldest Jin, he probably won't get to do any promos after getting out because of you

[+154, -13] I still find it sickening that he tried to media play it as a kickboard in his apology letter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ him and his company really took the public for fools

[+99, -15] So he went out drinking on a night of service, got drunk to the point of being plastered, got on a vehicle, put out a statement that was riddled with lies... do we really think this was his first time? He needs to leave the industry...

[+98, -15] Calling a scooter a kickboard will not absolve you of your crimes

[+19, -6] What a blow to the other members... he was the loudest about their army service, only to serve public service, only to now end up like this... from drunk driving to all these lies, I cannot stand him anymore


Article: BTS Suga tests 0.227% 'plastered' could face up to 5 years in jail

Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate

[+110, -16] Suga-ya, just leave the group. Keep it clean. Don't let this impact the other members. You have tons of money saved up. Take that and live a good life. Don't taint BTS's name like this. 

[+74, -9] Does anyone believe this was his first time?

[+55, -9] Maybe Bang Shi Hyuk knew BTS without Suga would not have enough sweetness so he went and meet 'Fruit Juice' (camgirl name)

[+29, -8] He's so far gone...

[+27, -7] Wow~ over 0.2... that's the highest drunken arrest we've seen recently. Yeah, this is definitely not his first time.

[+14, -7] I have never seen a test number this high, this is crazy

[+13, -7] He was plastered drunk ㅋㅋ that is not a number you get from one can of beer ㅋㅋㅋ

[+13, -7] He's crazy

[+10, -0] It's over for him. That was attempted murder. What a way to go with the BTS name, tsk tsk.

[+9, -0] He's crazy. He should be glad he's even alive. Testing as high as 0.22, you can barely hold yourself up. Why was a public service soldier even drinking this hard in the first place? 


Agreed Nebuzz

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