New Jeans' parents speak out against Hybe's abusive conditions, reaffirms support for Ador !

New Jeans' parents speak out against Hybe's abusive conditions, reaffirms support for Ador !

Article: [Exclusive] Interview] New Jeans parents open up... from dorms filled with cockroaches to Hybe manipulating the girls into quitting school

Source: Sports World via Nate

[+251, -43] I remember when that stuff about Bang Shi Hyuk ignoring the girls' greetings came out, Hybe denied it until Dispatch went through CCTV because the parents said he had face blindness and they had to eventually admit that "it is true that he ignored their greeting" and left it at that, just one line in an article.

[+230, -47] Wait, why was Hybe keeping the girls up until 2 a.m.... are they insane ㅠ

- [+42, -17] This would count as child abuse in the states

- [+13, -1] I don't think JYP is any different

[+187, -33] I don't know why Hybe keeps lying when they know it all gets exposed anyway... when Min Hee Jin asked Park Ji Won "what are you going to tell the parents about their debut being postponed?" and Park Ji Won was just like "it's not for you to be concerned about"

[+134, -18] We all know why people have suspicions about Bang Shi Hyuk creating any girl group

[+130, -30] Why did Hybe even bother with all the news yesterday? If anything, all that only further proved Min Hee Jin to be right by exposing that 'Attention' was sourced by her and that it actually wasn't plagiarized because of the time the video was taken

[+71, -12] Hybe CCO Park Tae Hee's text to Danielle's mother regarding the video leak "This is not something that I'm aware of yet and it will take a while for me to see what's going on. For now, the media isn't spreading it." Is Hybe kidding me right now?

[+56, -33] New Jeans parents have kept quiet all this time, even when Source was media playing in April that they were the ones who "gave birth" to New Jeans.. imagine how ridiculous they must've felt all this time

[+39, -20] Seems everyone forgot the days that Girl's Day spent their days in a basement dorm with plastic windows and eating cup ramen ㅋㅋㅋ

[+36, -12] So sick of these gross ajusshis whining and crying about how they created New Jeans when we all saw what their vision was, putting little girls in high heels, basically just another group that would've disappeared after one debut ㅋㅋ

[+35, -12] I have a feeling that a lot of trainees live this way, though.. maybe not in SM, YG, or JYP but living conditions aren't much better elsewhere

[+33, -23] Kind of shocking that Hybe not only put them up in a cockroach dorm but had them leaving practice at 2 a.m. all by themselves

[+14, -14] Bang Shi Hyuk, please just.. stop making girl groups. Don't even invest in them anymore. Every single one he's made has caused controversy after another. He just isn't meant for girl groups.

[+13, -2] Not sure why the parents are blaming Hybe... if the conditions were so unbearable, it's your job as the parent to pull them out

[+9, -2] Then what does that make you parents who left your kids in such unbearable conditions? If it broke your heart so badly! if you thought they deserved better! then shouldn't you have taken out loans and gotten them a better dorm? Why are you asking others to do for them what you yourselves couldn't do?

[+7, -2] I can't think of any agency that treats their trainees like princesses right off the bat. New Jeans may be popular now but at the time, they were just little kids... what more did they want in that moment?

[+6, -1] I mean, how did you expect them to continue their education if they were going to be idols? You have to pick one or the other..


Agreed Nebuzz


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