Lee Mijoo and soccer player Song Bum Geun confirm they are dating !

Lee Mijoo and soccer player Song Bum Geun confirm they are dating !

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Mijoo is dating soccer player Song Bum Geun... singer ♥ sports star couple

Source: Biz Ent via Nate + Nate

[+109, -15] Can female celebrities please start going Dutch in visuals with their new boyfriends, have they all become possessed or something?

[+85, -0] He looks like Lee Yi Kyung ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+87, -65] This is not the best timing for her. She's just now blowing up thanks to Yoo Jae Suk promoting her everywhere and now she's getting into a dating scandal, and with an athlete at that... bad choice indeed

- [+43, -9] Worry about your own life, let these young people live

- [+40, -7] She's a variety star at the end of the day, none of what you said matters

[+46, -2] I guess they'll spend all of Mijoo's screentime on 'Hangout with Yoo' talking about her new relationship then

[+44, -6] They really don't match at all

[+34, -1] That Song Bum Geun, Song Min Gyu, Baek Seung Ho, Seol Young Woo line are known for being quite obsessed with the ladies ㅋㅋㅋ 

[+19, -2] Haven't Chinese fans been begging K-Pop idols to stop dating such ugly men ㅠ

[+4, -0] Have female celebrities just stopped caring at all about male physiognomy;;;;


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+191] Another celebrity dating a soccer player, where are they finding all these guys?

[+169] I want to know how they got to know each other? Where did they find a common interest?!

[+100] She did look good with Lee Yi Kyung..

[+152] I thought that was a picture of Kim Jong Guk for a second;;

[+55] Ugh what ㅡㅡ they don't match at all  ㅠㅠ come on, Mijoo-ya

[+25] Seems like soccer players are really into idols lately

[+15] There must be some secret match-making service for idols and athletes

[+20] I thought the thumbnail was saying Mijoo is dating Kim Jong Guk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Agreed Nebuzz


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