Article: Huh Yoonjin's underwear exposed fashion is under controversy
Source: Idol Issue via Instagram
[+132] NCT dresses like this often so it's fine
[+67] I've seen all sorts of weird fashion these days.. that this doesn't even seem controversial by comparison
[+32] If this is controversial, then what does that make NCT?
[+9] Controversial because she's so pretty, maybe
[+7] This has been trendy for a long time now, why is it controversial
[+6] This has been a fashion trend for a while... people are late
[+1] If you guys don't get her vibe, you need to leave
[+0] She's gorgeous;
[+0] It's not like the underwear's see through mesh or anything, what's the issue
[+0] What's even the difference between panties and shorts these days anyway
[+0] I think it looks fine
Agreed Nebuzz
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