Source: Kyunghyang News via Naver
[+103, -5] Lee Yi Kyung and Song Ha Yoon are just so, so perfect for these evil characters~ the male lead's amazing, and Park Min Young did a great job with showing the transformation in her character before and after death. The little sister's adorable, all of the supporting cast members have lived up to their characters and more~ and I hope this drama plays a part in helping cheaters realize just what they're doing~~ ^^
[+41, -8] The evil characters are pulling all the weight in this, they shine more than the leads
[+31, -3] Award ceremony dress to a barbecue restaurant ㅋㅋㅋ shoulders out to the office... her outfits are a bit funny, I'll admit.. it made me realize what people mean when they say your coordi is your anti ㅋㅋㅋ
[+25, -1] I'm really enjoying it~~ ㅎㅎ I can't wait for Mondays~~!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
[+14, -1] It's so good that I catch every episode live. It's so refreshing.
[+11, -0] I think the journalist is reading too into it... people are enjoying the drama for what it is, a refreshing taste of justice in our dizzying and evil world...
[+6, -0] I love that the drama is living up to all of the plot points of the original webtoon
[+5, -0] Ajumma, I am the one calling off this wedding! ㅋㅋ
[+5, -1] The drama's refreshing, no more needs to be said ㅋ
[+3, -0] Lee Yi Kyung's acting is so good!!
[+3, -0] I think viewers find it refreshing because it's not just your typical drama where the female lead has to suffer against all the evils being done to her, it's about getting her revenge one by one
Agreed Nebuzz
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