'The Glory' star Kim Hieora responds to school bullying rumors !

'The Glory' star Kim Hieora responds to school bullying rumors !

Article: 'The Glory' Kim Hieora confirms iljin rumors... victims claim, "She stole our money and made us buy her c*garettes"

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

[+3,678, -41] How can you be this shameless enough to do a school violence drama?? Seems like school violence is a default part of their school careers? No wonder her acting was so good, she was acting out her real life... I wouldn't be surprised if the drama caused a lot of nightmares to be relived for a lot of victims because of how successful it was, it's maddening that she would even think to deny it

[+2,066, -23] Well, even if she wasn't the "leader" of the iljins and was just someone who was a part of them... none of that matters to the victims, you're all one and the same

[+802, -11] So it wasn't her acting chops that delivered her performance

[+232, -2] To all you current iljins, please don't ever dream of becoming a public figure or celebrity ㅋ You can grow up and regret it all you want but society will make sure that you live the rest of your life in bottom dregs of society ㅋ congratulations ㅋㅋㅋ

[+148, -0] People need to realize that being a bystander to a crime still makes you an accomplice. If she's truly sorry for what she did, she better start answering these interview questions properly instead of trying to hide the facts behind her lies. And please, don't ever think of continuing your celebrity career again after this... those people you bullied are precious lives that had to suffer because of you....

[+119, -0] And you can screw right off. So many victims of school violence are dying and living in suffering every single day, there's no need to allow iljins like you on TV. You do not deserve a happy life when you've ruined another's.

[+112, -1] So she came into the drama with quite the ample experience under her belt

[+77, -0] Soyu, Baekhyun, Nana all had iljin rumors and were caught drinking and smoking as minors so why are they all on TV now like it's no problem? Someone do something about them too


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,172] I'm sorry but something about her face already screams 'iljin' to me.. ㅠㅠ

[+1,169] No wonder her acting was so spot-on

[+559] I think it's true that people rarely reflect on their wrongs as long as they don't get caught for them. Logically speaking, you would think that someone with such a past would feel at least enough shame to avoid a drama with such a topic, but she didn't hesitate at all and earned a ton of fame for her choice ㅋㅋ I think that if someone isn't able to feel any basic decency or reflection over their mistake, then it's fine for the public to dig it up, criticize it, and embarrass them into dealing with the consequences of it. 

[+498] Wow~ so she really didn't hesitate at all about playing the character of a bully ㅋ can you imagine how angry her victims must feel?

[+473] So she hung out with iljins but never "assaulted" anyone.. anyway, I'll stay neutral 

[+661] She already went into the character with so much experience

[+222] Actors these days, such crazy build ups... Yoo Ah In did dr*gs for his characters, this woman was an iljin for her iljin character... kyah...

[+56] So she's saying she never hit anyone but, yes, she was a part of an iljin group... anyway, if she felt any consideration for her victims at all, she shouldn't have chosen the drama that she did

[+32] I hope the kids who are doing bad things right now will see this and realize that all the stupid things you're doing now as kids can still come back to bite you as an adult.. Wake up and stop hurting others, at the very least... 

[+72] I knew there was a reason I could never warm up to her... my gut was right

[+163] She really felt nothing while filming the drama? ㅜ No side-eyes? ㅜㅜ

[+323] No f*cking wonder her acting was so top notch... because I knew that her acting was not something that someone could just pick up and learn. She knew the secret sauce to pulling off such a vibe.


Agreed Nebuzz


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