Kim Jong Guk says he doesn't wash his towels to conserve water !

Kim Jong Guk says he doesn't wash his towels to conserve water !

Article: Kim Jong Guk, "I don't wash my towels often... it's a waste of water + electricity to wash them in the washer"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+82] The more he keeps saying stuff like this on TV, the harder it is going to be for him to get married 🤦

[+59] He's basically announced that he's given up on marriage

[+36] The more humid it is, the more bacteria will grow on your towels if you just use it and leave it sitting around wet... 👏👏

[+23] He needs to quit it with this weird concept. I always thought it was weird, especially with his wet tissue habit

[+23] This isn't conserving resources, it's not knowing where you should be spending your money. It's ignorance... The water and electricity it takes for one load of laundry doesn't even cost 1,000 won. I don't want to live in such a dirty environment just to save 1,000. It will cost more in dermatologist fees to make up for it. 

[+19] Oh, gross. This has nothing to do with conservation. He's just unhygienic...

[+14] Conserving resources is great but.. he needs to work on his hygiene.. 🥺

[+11] I'm so glad I don't live with a man like this!!!!!

[+6] So he wipes his face with dirty rags, hmm? 

[+5] At this rate, I don't know that anyone will want to marry him no matter how rich he is.. Why is this his concept.. does he not want to get married at all? ㅠㅠ

[+3] I doubt he flushes his toilet either

[+2] Towels hold a lot of germs. I'm sorry but this is just unhygienic. 


Agreed Nebuzz


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