IU reported to police for alleged plagiarism of 6 songs !

IU reported to police for alleged plagiarism of 6 songs !

 Article: IU accused of plagiarism... Agency responds, "We will be suing for spreading false rumors"

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

[+641, -40] The songs really are similar... I first heard about it on YouTube and stopped being her fan because I was so disappointed...

[+573, -18] People were all up in Yoo Hee Yeol's face about his plagiarism controversy so I have no idea why they're being so lax about IU's

[+283, -6] Really hard to deny that 'The Red Shoes' and 'Bbibbi' aren't plagiarized

[+198, -1] This is only ocming out now????? I always thought it was weird how hush hush it was ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+119, -5] The plagiarism is undeniable..

[+75, -0] You could have a deaf person listen to it and they'd agree that it's plagiarized... IU just has a really thick fanbase that has allowed it to be buried all this time. I'm sure she knows that. It's really disappointing how she's just choosing to stay quiet about it.

[+27, -0] The similarities are pretty stark. I wish they'd put out a more detailed clarification.. but they just never choose to respond..

[+32, -6] I always skip IU's ads

[+27, -1] Maybe IU's moving away from music and focusing more on her acting career because of all the plagiarism controversies following her. There's more money in acting too.

[+25, -1] 'Love Poem' is the most similar for me... When you listen to the prelude, you can hardly tell which song you're playing

[+23, -0] I'm sure there are standards to this stuff with what makes a song plagiarism but when the public agrees that it sounds the same, there needs to be some reflection done on the artist's part

[+27, -6] It feels like 90% of the nation likes her.. but I always felt like something was off about her

[+20, -0] Shouldn't the agency be fighting the plagiarism accusations? Instead of taking legal action? ㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

[+3,852, -805] Is it finally getting media attention?

[+1,998, -413] I always found it odd how people were going crazy over Yoo Hee Yeol's plagiarism controversies but so quiet with IU.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ honestly, IU has had way more plagiarism controversies than him.... ㅠ

[+1,086, -153] To all of you shielding her, the issue with this is that the original composer, Nekta, is aware of the plagiarism accusation, and sent an e-mail to Loen Entertainment in 2013, and still hasn't received a response. 

[+1,040, -127] There's been a ton of talk about all this. All she had to do was clarify what was going on and continue promoting as is but... I was honestly so shocked listening to the comparisons. There are just.. way too many similar songs. It's unfair that Yoo Hee Yeol got his career exiled for this. The IU videos out there.. I couldn't believe my ears.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ If she truly didn't plagiarize, she just has to put out a clarification saying so.

[+714, -96] I always thought it was weird how she was the only one who ever managed to keep her plagiarism controversies quiet. Does she have a network or something?


Source: Naver

[+1,710, -94] She's had constant accusations of plagiarism for a while now but instead of explaining her side of the story, she's just going straight to legal action.. and I don't think that's going to bode well for her

[+1,153, -33] If you listen to the comparisons, they're all very similar... All she needs to do is get the songs paneled for plagiarism, so it's funny to me that she's choosing to sue instead?

[+613, -48] 'The Red Shoes,' 'Good Day,' 'Bbibbi,' 'Boo,' 'Celebrity, 'Pitiful,' that's a lot of songs... how shameless of her to hold her head so high with all this plagiarism? Especially in an industry where even Yoo Hee Yeol's career was ended over plagiarism?

[+507, -16] I'm an IU fan but with how constant these accusations have been, I think it's time that she finally deals with it before moving on

[+414, -40] She's been ignoring this for so long only for it to finally show up as a police report... and she's choosing to deal with it by suing for defamation..


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,153] Honestly, it's all over YouTube now

[+500] I have a lot to say but I'll hold back 😮

[+304] The fact that it's some one random person who submitted the accusation to the police makes this hard to take seriously.. Not even the composers of the original songs? It's obvious that it's some anti..?

[+231] Singers are so ballsy these days, just remaking songs like this

[+265] Wow, finally this is getting attention

[+560] She refused to clarify any of the plagiarism accusations but finally it's coming out...

[+127] Take a listen to 'The Red Shoes,' it's shocking..

[+113] Why now?!?

[+140] Why are people acting surprised when she's always had a ton of plagiarism controversies in the past

[+333] PlagiarismU, finally it's getting attention

[+383] Who's this A who submitted the police report?

[+169] Wait, why is someone who isn't even the composer submitting this complaint? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

[+1,700] I always found it odd how quiet IU's plagiarism controversies have been compared to other singers

[+618] IU's fandom is so big that she's been able to keep it buried for this long

[+525] Nevermind the plagiarism.. it bothers me that she hasn't had one clarification about any of this this whole time. That will only fuel people's suspicions...

[+429] Fans have every right to defend their favorite celebrities from wrongs that they haven't committed, but if there's warranted criticism, you should also know to hold them accountable for it

[+220] I remember there used to be a ton of YouTube shorts comparing similar songs and IU had a lot of songs up there... And all of that is only ocming out now...

[+186] IU really cleaned up her image good

[+175] She should still put out a statement... it's been so long since all this controversy has been going around and I find it problematic that she's never cleared the air

[+112] I listened to all of the comparisons before and it's pretty undeniable... She must've had a lock on the media for all of this to come out only now

[+92] She's driven people to this point because she refuses to say anything about it. IU-nim, please give us a clarification.

[+67] Finally... it's been so long since these controversies have been around 

[+54] Finally this is coming to light

[+39] We should all stay neutral until further information comes out

[+32] Public sentiment treats her like a god though ㅋㅋㅋ


Agreed Nebuzz


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