Could Lee Soo Man be making moves in China? !

Could Lee Soo Man be making moves in China? !

Video: Lee Soo Man has set up an entertainment agency in China after promising retirement with Hybe?

Source: K-Pop Idol Trainer via YouTube

[+504] As expected of the Honorary Chinese Lee Soo Man

[+400] If he's truly setting up an entertainment agency there, I just hope he doesn't betray us by giving them all our trade secrets

[+389] He is becoming senile, it's pathetic to watch

[+327] At this rate, Lee Soo Man is a CCP promotional agent

[+218] It's amazing how someone so wealthy, talented, and successful can be so sad like this

[+177] Lee Soo Man makes me want to ughhh

[+169] Lee Soo Man is so consistent with his love for China ㅋㅋ

[+137] Does he have a secret love child in China or something? Why's he so obsessed with that country.

[+97] Even while under SM, Lee Soo Man has always said things like how China needs to be the Hollywood of the East, so I'm not surprised byt his at all. I also bet you that he thinks the best revenge he can get against SM is setting up a Chinese version over there and stealing from SM's pie.

[+87] If this is true, where the bounds of his greed...

[+72] He's obviously free to do whatever he wants anywhere in the world but I think what people find worrying about this is that he has never been transparent about his finances under SM and has been caught multiple times filling his own pockets... he will always value his personal wealth over the good of our country...

[+72] That agency has probably always been around, he's just now choosing to run it himself. This is sad to watch. 

[+68] He needs to consider his age and stop being so greedy. Does he want to paste Yuan bills all over his coffin when he leaves this Earth? I know that greed is limitless but it seems especially bad for him. 

[+65] His greed in his old age knows no end, he will never be satisfied

[+52] The Chinese industry will just suck his ideas dry and throw him out... He needs to stop being so naive. 

[+35] There's a reason people always say to take your exit while everyone's still applauding

[+29] His greed ahs no end.. and now he looks even sadder crossing the line like this

[+7] This is why it's always best to end things on positive terms. He has such a vibrant history as one of the creators of the Korean entertainment industry, and he hasn't been able to retire in a more dignified manner. 


Agreed Nebuzz


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