Sung Yuri's husband is in hot waters with Bithumb scandal !

Sung Yuri's husband is in hot waters with Bithumb scandal !

Article: Sung Yuri's husband Ahn Sung Hyun arrested on fraud charges "I will get Bithumb listed"

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+1,363, -17] These articles need to be featuring the husband's face, not Sung Yuri's.. come on..

[+239, -3] What's it matter whose husband he is? We should all be punished for our crimes.

[+238, -3] Hul, she's been living off of fraudulent money this whole time?

[+202, -2] They should take a look into Sung Yuri's accounts as well

[+132, -2] Investigate Sung Yuri too. She's the wife of six years to a man who conned 3 billion won. She must be investigated. Wasn't that money also used to invest in the cosmetics company that Sung Yuri is CEO of? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+120, -4] You can't ignore the part about him being Sung Yuri's husband because I'm sure that title allowed him to scam more easily

[+91, -2] This is usually how most celebrity businesses end up... Not only are they uneducated and ignorant, but they also don't have any street smarts so they don't know how to properly manage themselves. You would think with all the money she made, that she'd marry someone kind and humble and live happily... Instead she ended up with a classic scammer. 

[+73, -3] Oh man, thank goodness our Hyori married someone better than this

[+63, -0] It'd be funny if they made a new variety show for actresses who married business scammers titled "Jailed Rascals"

[+38, -0] This is what happens when you marry someone for money

[+34, -0] I don't get how all these actresses can have such a crappy eye for the men they marry  ㅋㅋ

[+30, -0] Amazing that she's still posting on SNS even while her husband's in this situation. Celebrities don't just have thick skin but skin made of concrete and steel. 

[+21, -0] Another female celebrity left out in divorce. They're all starting to look the same... The lives of these actresses seem to follow the same pattern.

[+24, -5] How can you live with someone and not know?!

[+19, -0] I always had a fishy feeling about him ever since she said she was dating a golfer

[+16, -1] They're all birds of the same feather at the end of the day...

[+13, -0] Seems actresses are an easy target for these scammers... Jung Ga Eun, Kim Na Young, Sung Yuri, Park Han Byul, etc, the list goes on.. I remember Kim Na Young was on 'Radio Star' and Kim Gura asked her what her husband did for a living and she said she didn't know exactly and everyone laughed like it was ridiculous... but then her husband got arrested for running a scam. These actresses need to be more alert of men who have a lot of money but you aren't sure where they're getting it from.


Article: 'Sung Yuri husband' Ahn Sung Hyun's arrest warrant dismissed... "consideration of his family relations"

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

[+563, -3] Such an unfair society where if you're family with a famous person or a high-ranking official, you don't have to get arrested ㅠ... it's a tough world out here for us dirt spoons

[+339, -3] That's fine if it's dismissed as long as his charges are confirmed and he gets punished to the full extent of the law

[+144, -6] Aigoo, our Sung Yuri... married a man for his money only to end up with a scamster...

[+67, -1] Yeah, I don't see them lasting long... her elf image is over

[+56, -0] Is the judge serious? Just because he's married to a famous person?

[+46, -0] So what if he knows a famous person? What does that have to do with his arrest warrant? How is this fair or just?? How is this a law?? Everyone should be treated the same in the face of the law.

[+40, -0] Meanwhile, news of that woman who stole $70-worth of goods from the supermarket was arrested on the spot ㅋㅋㅋ

[+35, -0] Wait, so, can anyone explain to me why having a famous family member can dismiss your arrest warrant? Why is this same perk not given to victims? Victims have families too? 

[+32, -0] Seems like our country doesn't care at all about the feelings of the victims of this scammer

[+28, -2] What does his arrest warrant have anything to do with Sung Yuri being famous? ㅋㅋㅋ They're basically giving him free time to destroy evidence.

[+23, -0] When the judge is a FinKL fan

[+20, -0] So you get special perks now if you're famous, eh? ㅋ If only these judges would have so much consideration for the rest of us peasants

[+20, -0] She should've stuck with marrying some nerd. She gunned it for the money and now she's stuck in a headache.


Source: Nate

[+316, -8] How is it that every one of these female celebrities get married to some gold digger or a scammer like this? ㅋㅋㅋ But then again, none of them have any actual brains to read people for who they are ㅋㅋ

[+211, -12] I had a feeling he was causing trouble since she was pregnant.. please live your lives quietly

[+156, -7] It's so sad how none of these people know how to read others.. why live like this? Especially as one of the most famous singers of the '90s... tsk tsk tsk

[+35, -3] I wonder what her pastor father thinks of all of this?

[+34, -8] Lee Hyori always made the best choices

[+33, -0] She married him purely for the money, that's all..

[+25, -1] Why do celebrities always end up in marriages like this? Is it truly because they're all birds of a feather?

[+20, -1] She really has no eye for men

[+15, -4] Not only do celebrities have empty brains, they don't even have eyes assessing for people ㅋㅋ


Agreed Nebuzz

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