Ravi accused of faking epilepsy to doctors by prompt of military broker !

Ravi accused of faking epilepsy to doctors by prompt of military broker !

Article: Ravi, acted like he had epilepsy to doctors, requested medication... broker "Good, that'll get you an exemption"

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

According to indictment papers submitted by the Ministry of Justice, Ravi has been working with his agency and a broker who charges 50 million won (with a promise of a full refund if the exemption isn't granted) to get celebrities out of military service. The broker coached Ravi into faking epileptic episodes for the doctors, but when MRIs and other tests showed no issues for a plausible diagnosis for epilepsy, the broker then coached Ravi into asking for medication for his symptoms so that he could take them the week leading up to his physical exam and show that he was under treatment for epilepsy in his urine panel. The entire charade earned him exemption from active duty service. 


1. [+367, -0] That's a terrible thing for him to do that'll really hurt actual patients of epilepsy

2. [+153, -2] Aigoo.. the fact that he faked convulsions.. is so messy..

3. [+131, -3] Imagine all the honor that awaits you if you just wait out 18 months~~ Instead, he kicked his life away like this~~ Ravi-ya, why~~~

3. [+84, -1] I'd rather just serve than do all this... This is so pathetic.

4. [+60, -1] He's going to become the second MC Mong

5. [+35, -0] This is pathetic and ridiculous. This is so hurtful to actual patients of epilepsy. I have a four-year-old who was diagnosed with epilepsy and we're unable to do anything about the several seizures they suffer from a day. No amount of tests or medications have improved his condition. I can't die even if I want to because I have a baby to take care of. To think that someone would actually fake a condition like this just to get exempted from service... you're not human, you're trash. I still remember all of the parents of the child patients at Shinchon Severance Children's Hospital, all the panicked calls for help as their children are administered sedatives... all the parents and nurses suffering and suffering over this. But to fake all this just for a military exemption, I'm speechless.

6. [+28, -1] '1N2D' sure knows how to pick 'em. They've picked a scandalous member every round.

7. [+22, -0] To think that he went around bragging about his abs being sexy, half-naked, showing off twist kicks, all to claim epilepsy in the end ㅋ

8. [+17, -0] My son is serving active duty. He is a soldier who must protect even "actors" like you.

9. [+15, -0] My brother was diagnosed with epilepsy as a child, but it's because of celebrities like this that people still doubt his condition and ask him if he's "acting" too. There were so many times he passed out in school and had to be hospitalized. And yet, because of celebrities like this, we have to face so much stigma from others. What he's done is heinous. 

10. [+15, -0] These are the kinds of people who kill the actual patients twice

11. [+7, -0] These celebrities may think they can get away with it all now but you'll all be caught in a few years... why?! Because the paper trail for brokers like him are long ㅋ this is their bread and butter... So just serve instead of living the rest of your life in anxious wait of the other shoe dropping...

12. [+7, -0] It's because of guys like him that actual patients are doubted by others, tsk tsk


Agreed Nebuzz

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