Article: "Lips like Jang Wonyoung"... lip fillers are the craze with masks off, but what are the dangers?
Source: Han via Naver
[+327, -27] I don't get how people can see Jang Wonyoung as lively... She's so thin that I feel bad for her every time I see her. She's not just skinny, it's to the point where it makes me feel uncomfortable. I get that she's an idol but I feel concerned for her health.
- [+14, -5] Yeah, she has long limbs but it's just all bones so it looks scary..
- [+6, -0] If scary was everyone's opinion of her, she wouldn't be as popular as she is ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+222, -126] I never found her super~ gorgeous or traditionally beautiful... but it feels like the media really wants you to see her that way!! Like she's really pretty, trendy, a real beauty~
[+85, -3] Get all the fillers you want, you're still not going to look like Jang Wonyoung..
[+52, -2] Is this article implying that she got lip fillers?
- [+8, -1] She has gotten lip fillers
[+21, -1] I always found the look of lip fillers combined with surgical smile corners to look uncomfortable
[+9, -1] Even the fillers only look good because it's on Jang Wonyoung's face. It's not like Jo Hye Ryun would look any prettier just because she got fillers, right?
[+6, -0] Jessi would be a better example of a celebrity with fillers
[+4, -0] None of you are going to look as pretty as her no matter how much money you spend so just put your wallets away, guys
[+2, -0] Lip fillers always looked unnatural to me... and who knows about what issues might arise later on ㅠ
[+2, -0] You're never going to look like Jang Wonyoung just because you change your lips
Agreed Nebuzz
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