Hyuna and E'Dawn rumored to be back together after two month break up !

Hyuna and E'Dawn rumored to be back together after two month break up !

Article: Hyuna and Dawn get back together two months after break up... agency, "We are checking in on it"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,305] This is why I don't try to help my friends with their relationship problems

2. [+660] What should I have for dinner tonight
- [+39] New Jeans' Hype Boy

3. [+427] It's cold outside, guys. Don't catch a cold.

4. [+317] Just because they're celebrities doesn't make them any different from the rest of us~ we're all breaking up and getting back together, it's how relationships go ❤️

5. [+149] Makes me think they pretended to break up because they were bored

6. [+146] Rip apart, put back together~~

7. [+130] They're not kids, this shouldn't be considered weird at all. We're only hearing about it because they happen to be celebrities... Getting back together is completely normal.

8. [+38] What was the point of all that fuss about breaking up then...

9. [+12] I hope it's true, I hope they're back together ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're such a good match...

10. [+12] Yeah, those tattoos are hard to give up


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+319] Aigoo~~ nothing weird about a young man and woman breaking up and getting back together... They're people before they're celebrities. I support them~

2. [+79] I had a feeling they'd get back together

3. [+71] I didn't even pay their break up any mind

4. [+16] Why did they bother breaking up then?

5. [+3] I did think it was weird that they broke up but I didn't think they'd get back together so fast... in just two months...

6. [+77] Next time... they should at least wait to announce breaks up until after they've stayed broken up for at least six months ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ And even if they really aren't back together, it is odd that they're still commenting on each other's Instagram posts and grabbing meals together... or maybe I'm just a boomer..

7. [+64] Oh what the hell, I wish them happiness

8. [+20] Why did they bother breaking up then? 


Agreed Nebuzz


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