'Agency' viewers annoyed with Son Naeun's awkward acting !

'Agency' viewers annoyed with Son Naeun's awkward acting !

Article: Divided reactions to Son Naeun's acting in 'Agency'... really imrpoved vs awkward next to Lee Bo Young

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+116] There must be so many other better-prepared actors ready for such a role so I don't know why producers continue to use idols who don't have the skills for it.. It's unnerving for the viewers and it creates a distraction from the drama~ I'm personally a Son Naeun fan and find her vibe pretty and modern but she's still awkward when it comes to acting~ 

2. [+48] Something about her acting feels like she's just spitting out memorized lines. I'm not saying she's bad but there's an unnatural quality to it. It's like she just took the script and memorized the exact words, facial expressions, and gestures that it told her to do. I think she's going to need more time to really learn how to melt into her characters ㅠ Lee Bo Young's acting feels as natural as flowing water in comparison... whereas Son Naeun looks like she's following an order: this line, next line, next line. ㅠㅠ I'm sure she'll improve if she keeps consistent! ㅎㅎ

3. [+13] She's good... she's perfect for the role

4. [+10] I think she's improved a lot! 👏👏

5. [+5] I don't know what she did to her mouth but she constantly looks like she's holding something in her mouth. It looks unnatural and makes it difficult to tell whether she's pissed or happy ㅋㅋ

6. [+4] I don't think she's improved... I think viewers have just grown used to her unnatural acting...... 😂

7. [+2] Why are people expecting us to put up with watching her "continue to improve" when there are plenty of other actors who can do her job out of the gate? Everything about her acting is awkward, especially her tonality, and it completely ruins my immersion in the drama ㅡㅡ

8. [+2] Her acting feels like an AI robot.. she's not bad but it feels soulless 😂

9. [+16] Sigh..

10. [+12] I actually thought Lee Bo Young's acting was a bit too over-the-top this time as well, it feels awkward and uncomfortable. Son Naeun says all her lines in a singular tone whether she's talking to her grandfather, dad, secretary, or junior staff.. like some AI robot. I'm watching because there's nothing else to watch in this time slot but I find both actresses a miscast. 

11. [+7] I can't stand this drama because of her. Her acting is just so bad. The drama will be flowing just fine until she comes on and it feels like someone sprayed cold water over you. 

12. [+4] I thought she improved at first but the more you watch her, the more you start to cringe. Her awkward face when she was screaming... the angry screaming when holding Lee Bo Young's hand.. It was too embarrassing to bear watching. I remember she was known as the visual member in A Pink who couldn't sing and coasted by for her good looks but she still should've just stuck it out with A Pink than whatever she's doing now. 


Agreed Nebuzz


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