Police investigate Itaewon 'bunny ear man' who videos claim pushed the crowd, man denies charges !

Police investigate Itaewon 'bunny ear man' who videos claim pushed the crowd, man denies charges !

Article: [Exclusive] Police are investigating 'bunny ear man' accused of shouting "shove"... denies accusations

Source: Yonhap News TV via Nate

1. [+3,125, -224] A person's hand can be scarier than a bomb. If he has any shame, he should just confess to what he's done.

2. [+2,851, -213] Please own up to what you did

3. [+2,796, -280] The bunny ear man has committed the worst offense. The situation had not caused any accidents yet until he shouted "shove", which was a murder call at that point with so many people. I bet if he's found to be guilty, his excuse will be that he was drunk and said it as a joke.

4. [+299, -5] I saw another video where a man in a green hat and a man in a navy t-shirt and black mask were practically standing on a shorter man under them, pressing his head down like a piece of support... I understand the need to survive no matter the circumstances but I was shocked to see how easily they could just smother someone weaker than them right under them. I wonder if those two made it out alive.

5. [+233, -6] Of course he's denying it. Why would he be like "yeah! I did it!" so stupid ㅋㅋ

6. [+188, -6] The reason we haven't had any crowd crushes in subways, concerts, and festivals is because people knew to slowly keep it moving and stay in order. No one told them to shove like this man did... and he's a murderer for it.

7. [+75, -41] Surely the higher ups aren't going to use this bunny ear man as the scapegoat for everything and let everyone else get off without consequences?

8. [+75, -8] I doubt such a huge accident would've happened if someone hadn't instigated "push! push!"

9. [+55, -1] Well when a criminal gets caught, of course his first instinct is going to be to deny it, why would he admit to it right away?

10. [+47, -1] No point in him denying it when there are so many video evidences of what he caused

11. [+55, -5] It's not the black bunny ear man, the one caught right now is a white bunny ear man


Source: Naver

1. [+845, -7] I guess they caught him after all

2. [+486, -25] I bet you there are people out there who go to these things fully planning to do something wrong. Penalize them so this can never happen again. He can't lie his way out of this when his face has been caught on every piece of video evidence.

3. [+238, -19] Even if he did shove them beyond doubt, it's going to be difficult for the court to prove that his shove is what directly caused the crushing accidents... Anyway, you can tell by the clips on YouTube that there was definitely a group of people shoving around.

4. [+101, -3] Every single witness account shares the same story where a shove was what caused this tragedy. We have had Halloween festivals every year with these crowds but the only year a tragedy happened was when all witness accounts pointed towards a man who instigated shoving. 

5. [+60, -2] People wouldn't have died if people didn't shove. He needs to be punished for all those deaths.

6. [+56, -1] I'm sure we'll get a better picture if we look into his Katalk conversations with his friends

7. [+45, -1] This isn't a witch hunt, this needs to be a thorough investigation with proper punishment to make sure that this doesn't ever happen again by someone else

8. [+30, -0] It's clear in the videos that there was definitely a group that pushed the crowd when they were moving forward just fine before that. The people in the front started shouting "stop pushing" but the group in the back kept pushing and pushing. I really want to find them and ask what they were thinking in that moment. Fighting to the police! So much CCTV, witness accounts, and smartphone pieces of evidence, please make sure to catch all of them.

9. [+23, -0] Of course he's going to deny it... why would he offer himself up like "I did it!"

10. [+16, -0] If you were him, would you admit to causing a push that led to 150 deaths??


Agreed Nebuzz

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