Too many signs around Korean stores are in English, leaving the elderly population behind !

Too many signs around Korean stores are in English, leaving the elderly population behind !

Article: English everywhere from menus to storefront signs and apartments... concerns for the elderly population who can't read it

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+987, -18] I know these people think that it makes their brand look cooler to have signs in English but these signs should be first in Korean with a universal language like English written smaller under it. In Korea, Korean should be a priority.

2. [+608, -18] I've noticed that even Korean song titles are in English these days so when I go to listen to it, it's actually a Korean song;; not sure why everyone's choosing English over Korean

3. [+44, -1] Must be sad for King Sejong and Joo Shi Kyung who worked so hard to create and protect our Hangeul

4. [+41, -0] Korean is classier and prettier to me but store owners insist on using English and they're just outing themselves as old farts who aren't in with the times

5. [+35, -0] I was looking into some facilities for my grandmother and it's gotten to the point where the elderly aren't able to navigate these signs at all... I looked up a center for the elderly and it was under some English like 'daycare center'. Why would you spell it like that when there's Hangeul in the first place?? 

6. [+31, -0] I also find it cringe when stores are like "we care about our client's 'needs'" with needs in English

7. [+28, -0] The entertainment industry perpetuates this issue. Celebrities are always acting like using English makes them look smarter or classier, going so far as to use random words just in English when it's completely unnecessary. It's quite pathetic..

8. [+24, -0] It's so stupid watching home shopping channels when the hosts are like "and we have this in the color 'black', this in 'red', both are quite 'trendy'" ㅋㅋ

9. [+24, -0] 80% of this stuff is Konglish, no one in America would understand you if you spoke like this to them

10. [+22, -1] Sometimes I wonder if I'm in the US or in Korea


Agreed Nebuzz


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