'Squid Game 2' sets sight on 2024 release !

'Squid Game 2' sets sight on 2024 release !

Article: 'Squid Game 2' to be released in 2024... "Lee Jung Jae's revenge"

Source: Munhwa Ilbo via Naver

1. [+935, -109] No matter how I see it, I feel like ending it with one season would be cleanest...

2. [+439, -12] I'm more interested in a prequel with Lee Byung Hun than a revenge story

3. [+290, -6] We don't know if Wi Ha Joon (Hwang Jun Ho) is actually dead or not so it wouldn't be awkward to bring him back but please don't force Jung Ho Yeon's return by resurrecting her or claiming she has a twin... I remember reading an article about how the director was being really picky about who to cast for Saebyuk until he fell for Jung Ho Yeon... Please don't cast her again. It'd be better to have her dongsaeng Chul join the games to avenge his sister instead.

4. [+105, -13] I can't wait. I hope that season two is well produced again so that we can sweep up trophies for directors and supporting roles as well.

5. [+106, -15] It's going to be so difficult to outdo the first season...

6. [+38, -14] No matter how big of a daebak the original was, adding seasons is just going to lessen the shock factor and make it boring. Just hearing that the next plot is going to be around Lee Jung Jae getting revenge already sounds a bit boring.

7. [+22, -1] You guys should be grateful that they're doing another one at all, why are people so mad and triggered? If the next season's boring, then just don't watch it ㅋㅋ

8. [+14, -0] There are still a lot of Korean children's games to go through that foreigners haven't heard 

9. [+13, -1] What is he getting revenge on?? Why is he acting like someone forced him to join the games?

10. [+12, -0] Isn't Jung Ho Yeon's character dead? How are they going to bring her back...

11. [+11, -0] I also want to know how Gong Yoo got involved.. I hope they share that..

12. [+9, -2] I'm already bored...

13. [+7, -0] Revenge? If I won 40 billion won, I am not joining the games again just for some revenge

14. [+7, -0] Okay but how is Jung Ho Yeon going to be in season two when she's dead

15. [+4, -0] Jung Ho Yeon should not be back for another season. She's dead... and we should abide by the game's rules. Wi Ha Joon got shot off a cliff but it's plausible that he might still be alive because he was shot in the shoulder...


Agreed Nebuzz


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