Park Yoochun to make big screen comeback with 'On the Edge' !

Park Yoochun to make big screen comeback with 'On the Edge' !

Article: Park Yoochun's first screen comeback since drug abuse scandal

Source: Fast View Korea via YouTube

1. [+133] What are the director or investors thinking?

2. [+112] I thought he said he's quitting his celebrity career..

3. [+40] Don't come back~ I do not wish to see a druggie s*x criminal with a history of neglecting his animal by leaving it out on the balcony

4. [+32] A dog would sooner stop eating his own poop than for this guy to quit...

5. [+27] Do what?? Comeback??

6. [+12] No matter what we all say, there are obviously people who still support him which is why he's able to come back like this at all... I bet there are more who will forget and go crazy over seeing him again than those who truly hate him

7. [+7] It's not just drug abuse that he's had scandals over~~ from #metoo to other stuff, he's got quite the dirty past. He's really shameless to think he can come back like this.

8. [+2] They couldn't cast anyone else? Why can't we give these roles to talented actors who haven't gotten the opportunity to shine yet!

9. [+5] Crazy...

10. [+46] Come on, we should be making sure s*x criminals and drug abusers are never allowed to step foot into mainstream media again

11. [+1] This already sounds like a flop

12. [+13] What kind of director is someone who casts Park Yoochun? They should know that people like Go Young Wook or Park Yoochun are cancers to our society.


Agreed Nebuzz


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