Viewers are growing tired of all of the similar dating shows on Netflix !

Viewers are growing tired of all of the similar dating shows on Netflix !

Article: "Tired of watching other find their mates" dating shows with identical forms take over Netflix

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+974, -4] I'm tired of incompetent PDs just ripping each other off all of the time. They're all looking to coast by making shows off of whatever's trending and it's so lazy and a clear lack of creativity and skill.

2. [+450, -18] Koreans just love anything about finding mates.. even dramas are only successful if every character has or finds a mate, from grandpa characters even down to the children. 

3. [+333, -51] 'I am Solo' is the best one out of all of them

4. [+234, -26] I normally don't watch these shows but found 'I am Solo' entertaining. It's funny to watch one pathetic guy who is clearly a fox go around seducing all of the women... He's totally not husband material because he's so childish and stubborn... I really have no idea why these older women have such low standards... ㅜ

5. [+48, -0] I skip these shows if I notice that more than half of the cast members are either health trainers, pilates teachers, or celebrity trainees

6. [+23, -0] Most of the cast members are celebrity trainees or influencers who are just using the show for more clout so that they get more sponsorship deals on their SNS. It's probably easier money getting on these shows and getting weekly promotion than trying to make it as an idol nowadays.

7. [+18, -0] I don't even get the point of these dating shows when all of the cast members are people who would have no problem finding a mate out in the real dating world

8. [+17, -1] I'm tired of it... My own dating life is too hectic to keep up with, nevermind someone else's.. and it's obvious that all of them are scripted for the show. How many of them have actually continued dating after the show ended?? They all seem like people who are just on the show to launch a celebrity career. 

9. [+16, -0] I wish these dating shows would focus more on average people. Instead, all of the cast members are from swanky companies, entrepreneurs, or models. I think it'd be more fun to watch someone who works at a small company or who's just like anyone else around us. It's hard to relate to people who are so out of our realm.

10. [+11, -1] Need another show that can compete with 'I am Solo'. Need more average solos who make average incomes!!


Agreed Nebuzz

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