V and Jennie suffer their third leaked couple photo !

V and Jennie suffer their third leaked couple photo !

 Article: Third couple photo of V and Jennie released 'teddy bear couple t-shirt'

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+289] Just leave them alone... are we obligated to know if they're dating or not?

2. [+170] Man what do you want us to do about this anymore

3. [+128] I don't know who's behind all these leaks but who cares about such a handsome and beautiful couple dating? If they want to go public, they will go public on their own

4. [+92] Black Pink won at the VMAs!! Grats grats 🔥🔥🔥

5. [+58] I'm just really curious, what's it to any of us if these people are dating or not? If they like each other, let them date ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+18] Doesn't look like V

7. [+44] At this point, aren't they just asking to be recognized ㅋㅋ..

8. [+21] The person who posted the first two pictures clarified that they photoshopped the leaks and didn't think it would get this big... I wonder where this picture came from, then?

9. [+8] Eh?? But the man's face doesn't look like V??

10. [+19] I'm not trying to be in denial but the overall physique and height of this guy doesn't give off that V aura. V always has that look even with a face mask on that it's him but this guy doesn't, but if it is him, then that's okay too ㅋ

11. [+7] I am curious what the truth is in the end

12. [+3] It's so obviously not V


Source: TBig News [2] via YouTube

1. [+137] If they like each other and want to date, let's please just leave them alone..

2. [+103] But I think we've reached a point where their agencies need to get involved... because the hacker is just going to continue crossing lines

3. [+102] Anyone can tell that these aren't photoshopped and that they're really in a relationship... but the hacking has crossed the line. Leave them alone. No wonder celebrities are being diagnosed with mental illnesses;; 

4. [+35] What is YG doing?? Why are they only watching when hacking and leaking is a crime?..

5. [+32] The focus should be on catching the criminal hacker... not the two kids in a relationship

6. [+50] I feel bad for them.. they're being exposed against their wall

7. [+47] Why invade someone's private life like this?

8. [+60] This is sad.. because now it's very clear that they've become the victims of a crime. If they do not want to go public, just leave them alone. Stay out of people's private lives. Haven't idol fans matured enough to realize that this is wrong? If they want to lie about whether they're dating or not, it's a lie that harms no one, and maybe it's for the best for everyone's safety and happiness. Their lies aren't the same lies as politicians or criminals.

9. [+17] Makes me think that it might be best at this point for both parties to confirm and go public... I know people kept saying it was photoshopped at first but it does truly seem like they're in a relationship at this point and it might be best to protect their private lives by just going public on both sides now

10. [+9] Why is their agency staying so quiet?

11. [+45] I wish that the focus of this news would be on catching the hacker and not on the leaks of these private lives

12. [+5] I think their agencies should just confirm and let them date quietly instead of staying quiet amidst all of these leaks... As for fans, you should support your artist in dating someone they've found to love.. Their agencies need to step up so that they're no longer being played by these criminals ㅠㅠ

13. [+15] Please just give them your support instead of trying to shield them saying it's photoshopped


Agreed Nebuzz

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