Source: Issue Feed via YouTube
1. [+491] For someone whose job is to put make up on people, how can they be so bad ㅠ
2. [+289] I miss the days when Wonyoung barely wore any make up ㅠ
3. [+133] Ah seriously, who's doing their make up???? And the people pinning this on IVE are also the problem. Why hate on the girls when it's not like they're the ones doing their own make up????
4. [+123] They were prettiest during their IZ*ONE days ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
5. [+120] No but why does the make up artist do only warm tones on all of the members... there are cool tones, you know...;; and Jang Wonyoung is obviously a summer cool. I personally think she looked best during IZ*ONE.
6. [+61] The IVE members are all so charming and pretty but their make up is always so thick and never matches their tone, it's upsetting ㅠㅠㅠ
7. [+68] I clicked in thinking just how bad could their make up be and then saw the pictures and laughed at how ridiculous it actually is... their eyebrows are a mess
8. [+40] I think fans are even more pissed that their head make up artist did a live stream and said that she was aware that people aren't happy with the girls' hair and make up but that they still wouldn't change their styling... No one's asking for an apology, fans are just asking that they do their jobs right;; why can't they just do their jobs
9. [+33] I miss Aluu ㅠㅠㅠ their make up was prettiest during IZ*ONE ㅠ
10. [+218] Yoojin looked prettiest when she did her own make up on 'Earth Arcade'... It's so, so upsetting that they're wasting her prettiest years with weird make up ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
11. [+9] I don't get how they can repeatedly make the girls look so much older with make up like this. Wonyoung's make up is a mess but Yoojin's always looks weird too. They looked way better during IZ*ONE.
12. [+46] The make up really changes a lot... ㅠㅠ their faces look completely different from IZ*ONE compared to IVE days ㅠ
13. [+85] I'd rather the girls fall behind on make up trends than follow what doesn't work because they looked the most legendary during their IZ*ONE days..
14. [+2] I think IVE would still be popular if they just came out with bare faces ㅋㅋㅋ
15. [+4] I'm getting high blood pressure just thinking of buying their album just to end up with photocards with make up looking like that...
16. [+31] What is their agency thinking? Anyone can tell that they look weird, they should be looking into changing salons or something
Agreed Nebuzz
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