Korean fans take issue with rising sun design on Maroon 5's international tour poster !

Korean fans take issue with rising sun design on Maroon 5's international tour poster !

Article: Maroon 5 under controversy for featuring rising sun flag in world tour poster including South Korea

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+1,375, -53] If you choose to go and enjoy a concert featuring the same flag that the Japanese soldiers held while killing your own grandparents, then please understand that you are problematic. I'm sure Maroon 5 had so many other options to design a flag that best represents their band. Not sure why they thought this was the best design to carry to Korea... I truly don't.

2. [+518, -28] Time to boycott Maroon 5

3. [+326, -10] Either they're ignorant of the meaning or they hate Korea...

4. [+234, -29] If they truly did not know, then all they have to do is accept the protests, apologize, and change the design. They probably have plenty of other designs to choose from, and it's the concert that matters in the end.

5. [+142, -0] The problem is that this isn't the first time they've done this. I'm pretty sure this marks their third controversy. It seems like they're fully aware of the complications of the design and just don't care. Funny how they always include South Korea in their list of world tours. I've been a fan since the beginning and attended all of their concerts but it seriously makes me lose respect for them with how stubborn they are over this issue. Korean fans are nothing but another bank account to them.

6. [+53, -0] They need to change it if it's been brought to their attention that it's problematic... Why hurt the fans of your Korean fans? I don't even want to imagine a situation where people will be forced to cheer for them right under a rising sun flag...

7. [+51, -2] That same flag was waving right when so many Americans died at Pearl Harbor. And yet they think it's appropriate to carry that same flag in Korea? What a complete lack of respect and consideration.

8. [+40, -0] Just don't attend the concert

9. [+35, -0] If they knew what they were doing with this flag design, it's in our best interest to not attend the concert...

10. [+25, -0] Maroon 5 has visited Korea so many times. Isn't it about time that they are aware of these issues? We're probably just big fools to them and they don't even care.


Source: Naver

1. [+997, -21] Foreigners never seem to understand why the rising sun flag is so problematic while they foam at the mouths over the Nazi flag

2. [+670, -6] Just go perform in Japan and skip our country. For people who get so up in arms over the Nazi flag, it's sad how ignorant everyone is over the rising sun flag. All they care about is making money in our country...

3. [+450, -8] Why do trash like them even bother coming to our country? Don't attend their concerts. There are a ton of great songs in this world that aren't Maroon 5's. Trash like them can f*ck right off.

4. [+273, -8] Let's please show disrespectful bands like them some Korean pride and patriotism. They need to be made to reflect and apologize over this so let's please boycott them. Don't let them walk all over you like you have no spine. Please.

5. [+68, -1] What's the point of holding a concert in a country where you have no respect for their customs or sentiments? Do they think our country is some random city in Japan? If you still choose to attend their concert... you're either uneducated or have identity issues.


Agreed Nebuzz


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