Why do Korean clothing brands prefer white models? !

Why do Korean clothing brands prefer white models? !

Article: "I didn't know the brand was Korean"... the reason so many Korean shopping brands use white models

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+1,685, -237] Are we going to turn this into some PC thing? It's because white people have the more ideal physique and model the clothes better, plus they're cheaper to hire as models. 

2. [+1,298, -23] Because they're cheaper than Korean models, and way cheaper than hiring celebrities

3. [+743, -71] Because they model the clothes better. I don't think it's necessarily because they're white. Anyone can tell that white people have longer limbs than Asians so they make the clothes look better.

4. [+247, -21] White models are way cheaper than the same boring celebrities, and they look good too~

5. [+143, -8] Brands that only use white models actually make me turn away because it's hard for me to picture what their clothes will look like on me

6. [+98, -35] I've always been curious about this and I'm glad it's finally being talked about. I don't get why these Korean brands whose main consumer bases are Korean people use white models; it's so weird. Having only white models will naturally cause people to think that white people are superior and cooler. I think that's why we also have a lot of TV shows catered to getting validation from foreigners overseas. We need more self-acceptance. I wish the clothing industry would look further out to the forest instead of the tree.

7. [+46, -1] The point is that clothing companies hire these models because they're cheap, not because they're white... I don't think this is a race issue.

8. [+40, -0] It's probably more profitable for brands to hire a random white person they see walking around Itaewon than a celebrity who might tank the brand's image with a scandal

9. [+43, -4] Russian and Ukrainian models are cheaper to hire... I doubt brands are hiring American models, who tend to be more expensive

10. [+24, -0] It's because they're cheaper. There's nothing more to read into it. Anyone who's buying the clothes should know not to expect their type of fit on the consumer. 

11. [+25, -3] Because all the Korean models are busy posting lookbooks on YouTube now...

12. [+14, -0] You guys are such a joke ㅋㅋㅋ this is all the same reason why Chinese companies go crazy for white models too. Everyone thinks that having a white model will make your brand look classier and more luxurious because of how white-centric societies are. It's foolish. It's not like we don't have handsome models in Korea with great bodies. On the contrary, western brands prefer their Asian models to have that slanted eyes look despite there being a lot of Asians with big, round eyes too. They think it's "more Asian". Asians use westerners for their classy image while westerners use Asians for their exotic image. It's embarrassing all around.

13. [+14, -4] Having white models gives the brand a classier vibe, and they're cheaper than hiring a celebrity. Brands run the risk of cheapening their image with celebrity models if they're not able to get an A list name. 

14. [+5, -0] The prices of clothes will go up if these brands start using famous Korean celebrities instead ㅜㅜ

15. [+4, -0] I'm pretty sure it's because Korean models are more expensive to hire. I don't think there's anything racist about it. A lot of the famous fitting models are expensive, and a lot of them are actually brands in their own right, like Imvely. 


Agreed Nebuzz


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