What will happen to Freezia's budding TV career now? !

What will happen to Freezia's budding TV career now? !

Article: Single's Inferno Song Jia's image drops to 'fake designer girl'... broadcast shows dealing with the 'fall out'

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+3,335, -30] I personally don't care whether she wears fakes or not but I just feel bad that she feels the need to show off this desperately that she's willing to wear fakes for it. It'd be much nicer if she just wore authentic, well made clothes, even if it has no name.

2. [+2,273, -27] She's free to wear fakes if she wants but the problem is that she's been marketing herself as a golden spoon YouTuber this whole time and that's what contributed to her fame. She's basically a scam.

3. [+1,542, -23] I find our society even more pathetic for going so crazy over this woman who only cares about outer appearance

4. [+702, -78] And yet her face is so far from anything luxurious...

5. [+566, -12] This is just so embarrassing for her

6. [+443, -2] Wearing fakes is fine, but she was awfully thick-skinned to have filmed reviews and hauls about them for content

7. [+315, -7] The children of the truly wealthy don't act like this. They're quiet kids who live kind lives. You can definitely tell that she's not the daughter of any rich family. 

8. [+236, -5] Her agency is to blame, too. If they gave her the golden spoon concept, why didn't they buy her some designer goods to match? What were they doing while she was out here buying fakes this whole time~

9. [+207, -2] Wearing fakes is not the problem here. It's that she bought the fakes, then acted like they were authentic to her subscribers and lied to them. 

10. [+182, -1] Wearing fakes, fine, but filming review videos with them is a bit much ㅎㅎㅎ


Article: Single's Inferno Song Jia admits to replica controversy with handwritten apology

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+2,028] A tragedy brought on by the desire to tryhard...

2. [+1,886] Instead of coddling her, it's better to tell her when she's wrong ㅜ I know a lot of people are being like "is this really worth creating controversy over?" but the authentic designers don't deserve this...

3. [+1,251] Buying fakes is illegal, and that's why the public is being so harsh with her. We're not only like this with only her.

4. [+698] I just wonder why she had to wear fakes. She's pretty enough to wear whatever she wants so why specifically fakes?

5. [+445] Where'd all the people go who were claiming "who cares if she wears fakes?" I'm sure she could've foreshadowed this controversy happening so it's unfortunate that she still went ahead with buying fakes anyway.

6. [+708] At least she admitted to it right away

7. [+196] I don't understand the people who don't think this is a big deal. She got famous for her golden spoon image and now we're finding out that it was all fake, a made up image. Her career was made by lying to people. I see people commenting like "she'd still look good in no name clothes" but let's be real, she never would've become this famous if she started off her career wearing no name brands.

8. [+624] What has her agency been doing this whole time? They really let her on a show that's being broadcast internationally wearing fakes? I'm sure they had outfit discussions beforehand, no?


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+1,049] I hope that the people who don't see this as a big deal wake up and realize that it is

2. [+487] ㅋㅋ I don't really care about her but I really don't understand the desperate need to wear fakes. Just wear something else that's pretty...

3. [+859] All replica products are illegal in our country. In the case of Freezia, her image making makes up a large part of her influencer career, and she's someone who has expressed interest in launching her own fashion brand as well. Knowing that and still wearing replica brands that make a joke of copyright is not right... She committed a crime that showed that she's the complete opposite of who she has shown herself to be this whole time, but I guess a lot of thoughtless people don't care about that ^^

4. [+762] I don't think it's the fakes that are the problem but the fact that her concept has always been this rich girl, golden spoon concept who grew up rich with no want in the world and yet she still doesn't buy authentics

5. [+782] I'm someone who loved Freezia and became a fan over her confident image but producing and buying fakes is a crime and Freezia is in the wrong for this. I think the people who are trying to cover for her saying "mind your own businessㅋㅋ" are basically getting her more hate. It's better for her to reflect and grow from this and come back as a better person for the fans who are still waiting for her.


Source: Incredible Show, TBig News via YouTube

1. [+2,700] It's more daebak to me that even her apartment is funded by Chinese investments...

2. [+945] Freezia gained fans for her extremely high self confidence and self esteem and yet the reality was that her self esteem was so low that she felt the need to cover herself in replicas ㅋㅋ

3. [+897] The video's right, this isn't just a controversy about her wearing fakes. It's that she scammed everyone with her image. 

4. [+1,600] I have never seen a celebrity disappear from fame so quickly ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+1,200] Wow daebak ㅋㅋ she got all that investment and funding from a Chinese company only for Chinese knock-offs to be her downfall ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+562] I mean, but did Freezia really not think at all that she'd get caught? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't hate her but this is hilarious ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+677] Nothing about your life changes just because you wear flashy things on the outside

8. [+305] Perhaps Freezia should've been satisfied with a career as a shopping mall model..

9. [+264] All that tryhard attitude only for everything to be fake.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+62] "I can't wear the same thing twice" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so she did a giveaway with all her fakes ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Song Jia, what are you?


Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+490] The reason Freezia is getting hate is not because she was wearing fakes. If she had really not known much about the luxury market and this was an honest mistake, the public would've been fine with her handwritten apology. However, her entire career has been built up on having high self esteem, on wanting to only wear the best for herself, buying luxury goods for that reason, calling herself a Chanel fanatic... and yet she was wearing fakes this whole time, and that's what has disappointed people and caused them to turn their backs. Because they know that none of her actions back up her image of having high self esteem. She has a pretty face and had a decent image so she could've continued her fame without this controversy so it's a shame that it happened this way.

2. [+459] I used to be a fan but this video is right.. The problem isn't that she wore fakes, it's that she made up this whole image for her channel about wearing luxury goods and made people believe that she was wearing authentics, which is a 'scam'... then she made a profit off of it through her channel, which is wrong ㅜㅜ

3. [+172] It's not just one or two pieces that have been confirmed to be fake but 34, with still many that are under suspicion... I wasn't a fan but I enjoyed her videos and it's crazy to me that I was watching someone who didn't actually exist all this time...

4. [+214] I'm really curious in what direction Freezia is going to take her YouTube channel now... because I don't think she can keep up the golden spoon concept anymore ㅋㅋ

5. [+80] I feel so much second hand embarrassment to all the people still going "unni, unni" at her, leaving comments like "who cares if she wears fakes, are you jealous of her?" and it's surprising to me that they're not able to think outside of their line of subjectivity. And please, no one's jealous of someone who buys fakes and tries to pass them off as real...

6. [+117] I think the people still supporting her are people who really don't understand what's so wrong.... and they're basically telling everyone that they're ignorant... 

7. [+75] Whatever the truth is, once your image hits rock bottom like this, I've rarely seen it be recovered...

8. [+86] Chinese Weibo is already using this to make fun of us like "Korea is taking our knock-off image for us ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

9. [+28] Everything aside, I just wonder about the people who choose to defend their favorite celebrities no matter what they do... like do you not have your own sense of morals or ethics? And I'm sure most of you are adults who should know right from wrong, too...

10. [+36] Wearing fakes was never the problem. It's that she would make claims saying she bought it herself at the department stores and do luxury hauls saying she spent how many thousands at the mall, acting like all of this was real, even leaving comments about the brand name to fans asking what the product is. She made money off of all of that, which is the problem.


Agreed Nebuzz


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