Fans imagine damage control scenarios for idols !

Fans imagine damage control scenarios for idols !

Article: What if you're an idol... and by mistake...

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

Q: What if you're an idol and you're on V app but suddenly your girlfriend calls and your ringer's on and you're trying to decline it but you accidentally pick up and your girlfriend says, "Babe!! What're you doing?!?!" and your fans heard all of it. The V app chat goes quiet and then suddenly gets spammed with question marks. ? ????? ???? ?What was that?? ??Who? Huh? What would you do?

A: Wrong number
A: Not much I can do so.. gotta call the company and put our heads together to come up with an excuse
A: I'd hang up the phone and be like "sasaengs, can you please stop calling me" and act really stressed out
A: "Huh? I don't know this number...?"
A: My staff would turn my stream off and Twitter would start trending "(My name) clarify this" and I'd just have to follow whatever my company decides for me...
A: You guys are geniuses

A: I'd say it's not my phone, it's my manager's

Q: Then what if you're a male idol and you're on Lysn but you accidentally send a picture of you with your girlfriend. How would you handle it? And you can take back photos but your fans 100% already saw. 

A: How do you even fix that...? I'd just post an apology...
A: "Guess who?!!! You'll find out tomorrow~ ㅎ" and then I'd brain storm excuses all day

Q: Then what if you accidentally post a picture of your hand with your girlfriend's hand wearing obvious couple rings. Fans already saw even after you deleted the post. 

A: Honestly... why am I such a mess? ㅜㅜ This is too hard, I just won't debut
A: I'd say I'm sooo sorry, I'd put my head down and put out a lengthy apology, and if fans are still mad, I'll just retire
A: Just say it's a spoiler for the next album concept and then beg my agency to put in a music video scene with me and an actress wearing couple rings
A: Just lie and say it's a spoiler for the new fanclub rings...
A: "Matching with nuna~ㅎㅎ" and then make 103,837 accounts with no profile picture


1. [+341] Why would you imagine these scenarios and torture yourself with them? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is cyber torture

2. [+101] Wow, people are so smart

3. [+37] Wow, geniuses

4. [+1] This is hilarious

5. [+2] Just thinking of these scenarios makes me feel grosser than the humidity of monsoon season..


Agreed Nebuzz


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