Source: News 1 via Naver
1. [+455, -12] I'm sure they've struggled with being treated like criminals all this time but they still went out of their way to donate blood... I'm grateful for that, and I feel sorry that I hated on them, even for a moment ㅠㅠ hopefully, we can find a treatment soon...
2. [+258, -0] Shouldn't we be able to make decent progress on developing a treatment if 500 donated blood in 5 days? Hopefully, it helps speed things up and we can be free from this torture soon.
3. [+255, -4] Unified in their faith...
4. [+175, -0] Hopefully this helps in putting out the virus~
5. [+91, -0] I'm fine if they're only doing this to improve their image, I just want a treatment developed already
6. [+48, -0] They had to go through rigorous testing before being allowed to donate. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for 500 of them so thank you. I hope we can put an end to this virus soon!
7. [+43, -1] I can feel how genuine the followers want to help. Apparently they didn't accept transportation vouchers either. I would like to thank them for their efforts.
8. [+40, -1] I know a lot of people who have hated on them. If their donation aids in the development of a treatment, our people should issue an apology to them, myself included. This is a moment that has put me into deep thought.
9. [+31, -0] Whatever their intentions are, I'm grateful that they're putting forth this effort at all. If we're able to successfully develop a treatment, then that'd be even better.
10. [+26, -0] Hopefully this can aid in developing a treatment. Thank you to the followers for their donations. They have shown what it truly means to be religious by acting out in love in the face of criticism.
Agreed Nebuzz
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